Ruth 3:18a Then said she, “Sit still my daughter, until thou know how the matter will fall.
I was always one of those people though that wants to “fix it” and I don’t want to wait, I wanted it done yesterday, I want an answer now! Patience hasn’t always been my forte’ in life and I have had to learn over the years that rushing things doesn’t help. In fact, until we learn to wait on God, we seem to face the same type of situations over and over until we learn to “be still” and let Him finish in His time. When we jump in and take over instead of waiting we just mess things up! In Ruth’s case Naomi was telling her to wait for Boaz response to the fact that he was her “next of kin” and needed to marry her or at least find out if there was someone else that was a closer kin that should marry her to carry on the family name and do right by her. If she had pursued the situation instead of listening and waiting, she could have ruined her reputation and destroyed what God was trying to do in her life.
When she started out, she was only looking for a field to find food for her and Naomi, what she didn’t know was that God wanted her to OWN the field! What are you trying to rush that God is telling you to trust Him and He will bring it to pass in His time? Do you want to just find the field or do you want to OWN the field. In Genesis 15:6 it says, “and he believed in the Lord; and he counted it to him for righteousness.” God had been talking to Abram, telling him that he would make his family as numerous as the stars in the sky and Abram didn’t have any children and he was getting old but Abram chose to believe and wait. His wife of course as we read on got tired of waiting and gave Abram her maid to have a child by and then got jealous and angry because of it! God was still faithful though and still gave Abram and Sarah a son. If she hadn’t given her maid to her husband there probably wouldn’t be so much turmoil to this day in the middle east. Thank God we can’t usually cause that many problems in the world with our impatience today, but we can cause issues for ourselves and our family.
Ruth waited, Boaz married her and she owned the field.
Sarah took over, gave her maid, lost her respect and it has caused wars for years to come.
What choice will you make?
Quote: “If you don’t think every day is a good day. Just try missing one.” Cavett Robert