Luke 18: 41. “What do you want me to do for you?” He said, “Lord, let me recover my sight.”
This blind man kept calling out to Jesus when he had been told that Jesus was walking by even though everyone around him kept telling him to be quiet. He was determined to not allow the opportunity to pass him by!
As I was reading this scripture this morning I wondered what areas of my life I am blind in. Are there things I am not seeing either because I have chosen to block it out or maybe because I am too consumed with other things. A lot of times when we claim to be blindsided by something it is simply that we chose not to see what was going on. What struck me this morning though is that I don’t want to miss something in the plans that God has for my life. I want my eyes to be opened to all that He has in His word and for my life!
It could often be that when you are consumed with the issues at hand you are unable to see all that God is trying to show you! It’s like that idea that you “can’t see the forest for the trees”. Maybe the answer to what you need is there but you just aren’t seeing it because the struggle is overwhelming or too time-consuming! Maybe you need some downtime so you can hear what God is trying to tell you and see what He is trying to show you! Maybe you need to take a break from the craziness on Social media and the news and allow God’s Word to consume your heart and mind instead of all of the hate and anger that has been spreading.
Are you looking today for answers to what you need to do? Jeremiah 33:3, “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” If you ask Him, He will show you! Have the faith this blind man had, knowing that if you ask, He will answer! Luke 18:42, Then Jesus said to him, “Receive your sight; your faith has made you well.” And immediately he received his sight and followed Him, glorifying God. And all the people, when they saw it, gave praise to God.
My prayer today for each of us is that God will open our eyes to the things He would like to show us both in our lives and in His word! You must be open to it and have faith to believe He will answer! The best is yet to come!
Quote: “I learned a great many new words that day. I do not remember what they all were, but I do know that mother, father, sister, and teacher were among them ~ words that were to make the world blossom for me “like Aaron’s rod, with flowers.” It would have been difficult to find a happier child than I was as I lay in my bed at the close of that eventful day and lived over the joys it had brought me, and for the first time longed for a new day to come.” Helen Keller
Please take a moment and share your prayer requests and pray for others as well: CLICK HERE
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