John 14:23. Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him.”
That is my desire, how about you? I want my home to be Their Home! I want my house to be filled with God’s presence!
When I was 13 years old I spent the summer with one of my sisters and her husband. One day they took me with them when they went to visit some of their friends. When we left I told Josie that I had never been in a house where the presence of God could be felt that strongly! I look back and I can still feel it, and that is what I want for my home! How do you think that happens? I believe our answer is found in the verse above: we need to love Him, above all else! We need to spend quality time with Him in prayer and in His Word. We need to get to know Him so well that we become like Him!
How badly do you want God to rule in your home? Are you willing to clean out the things that ought not to be there? That may be the place to begin, ask God to show you anything that needs to go. You don’t want to give satan any foothold in your home by allowing things in your home that are an open door for him. What music do you allow (I am not saying all music is bad that isn’t Christian – even Steve and Annie Chapman who are great Christians have written some great love songs) there’s music out there that you know is ugly and not God-honoring. What movies and books are in your home? What tv shows do you watch? What kind of language is used in your home? Be careful and ask God to show you if there’s anything that needs to go, He will show you if you are open to it!
What is missing in your home? How about prayer? Do you pray before your meals or at least after you buy your groceries (just kidding, I believe everyone can take a minute to pray before a meal!)? Do you pray for your children, your spouse or future spouse (just because you don’t have one yet, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be praying that God will work on the one He is bringing you), do you pray over your home, do you pray that God will work in your own life, do you pray for the opportunity to show His love to others? Do you read your Bible? Even if you will just begin by reading 1 verse a day then work your way up to taking Proverbs and reading 1 Proverb a day and then when you get hungry for more start at the beginning and just take your time and read all the way through.
Get to know Him! Spend more time with Him so you will reflect Him in all you do and your home will become His home! Too often God is used as a “special order” God that we run to when we need Him in our lives and it is time to invite Him into every area of our lives, no more picking, and choosing. He wants a close relationship with you! He wants you to know Him and He wants you to bring every little detail of your life to Him. Don’t miss out! Draw closer to Him today and allow Him to wrap His arms around every detail of your life, trusting that truly then His best is yet to come!
Quote: “A true commitment is a heart-felt promise to yourself from which you will not back down.” David McNally
Ladies, I am so excited to share with you that my book is now available temporarily at a discounted price. This would be great to buy and give to someone who is struggling or for your Ladies Group to go through together, or even for someone who doesn’t know the Love of God yet. CLICK HERE. The new book is a 90-day devotional to help you grow in your understanding of His love which in turn will give you hope and grow your faith. ALSO: PLEASE, if you have ordered the book would you please go to Amazon and leave a review? Thank you so much for your support in spreading the word!
If you are looking for a way to make some extra money check out my website with Younique ~ click here. You can do everything online so you don’t have to go anywhere which is perfect during this quarantine. We have fantastic Skin Care and Makeup and it is only $99 to join my team. It is part of “Beauty From the Inside Out” with Chocolate and God. Let’s become all we were created to be for Him!