Exodus 25:9, “Make this tabernacle and all of its furnishings exactly like the pattern I will show you.”
God loves details! He cares about the details of your life and He cares about the details of all that He is calling you to do. God doesn’t look at anything He is doing and thinks, well…. Hmmm, that will do. He cares about the details.
So, when it seems as though something is taking a long time and the wait is starting to concern you or get on your nerves, remember that the details of it all matter to Him. You don’t know what He knows, there may be people who literally have to move to your area in order for all that He has planned to take place. Maybe you need to move. There may be a reason that perfect job hasn’t come available and it may be because that seemingly meaningless job you have now has something there that you need to learn while you wait. Ask God to show you if there is something you need to learn or do while you are waiting and trust Him.
Ecclesiastes 9:10a, “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might.” God cares about the details of what He has given you to do. Whether you are working in an office, a stay at home parent, working in a grocery store or a teacher at a school, or maybe you are in full-time Christian ministry, God cares about how you are doing it. Nothing that you do is insignificant to Him. He wants your best. He wants those around you to see Him at work in your life and shining through you. What you are doing is important to Him! He has given you the skills to do it, just as He did the people who were working on the tabernacle, don’t take that lightly. If you are feeling as though you aren’t up to the task ask Him for His strength and confidence! His Spirit lives within you if you have accepted Him as your Savior so unleash that confidence in your life.
What you do and who you are are important to God! He loves you and He created you with the skills and talents to do whatever He is calling you to do. Trust me, what He calls you to do may change several times in your lifetime. Just stay faithful to Him and what He is asking you to do today. Do your best and He will do the rest. Trust Him and allow Him to work in and through you. He loves you and He has a plan so trust Him with all of the details knowing that truly His best is yet to come!
Quote: “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson