Mark 7: 32-35 And they brought to him a man who was deaf and had a speech impediment, and they begged him to lay his hand on him. And taking him aside from the crowd privately he put his fingers into his ears, and after spitting touched his tongue. And looking up to heaven, he sighed and said to him, “Ephphatha,” that is, “Be opened.” And his ears were opened, his tongue was released and he spoke plainly.
We know that Jesus didn’t have to touch him, he didn’t even have to speak in order to heal this man, so why did He? We have to remember that Jesus doesn’t just see the surface of what needs to be healed in our lives, He sees the pains of our hearts. Think of the years of ridicule and emptiness this man must have lived with, he didn’t just need to be able to hear and speak, he needed Jesus’ touch. He needed to feel the love and compassion Jesus had for him in that heavy sigh as He looked up to heaven and spoke the words of healing he needed.
Jesus knows your wounded and broken heart. He has a great amount of compassion for all the grief you have had to bear and He doesn’t just want to fix your surface issues, He wants to mend your heart! He wants you to feel His love as it surrounds you today.
Take a look around you; there are so many people out there that don’t know His love. They have no idea that God loves them and cares for them enough to have died for their sin. You have no idea what something as simple as a kind word, a gentle touch and a smile may do for someone. Reach out to those around you who are hurting. Be God’s hands and feet to others. If you go to the nursing home to visit a loved one, ask if there are any other patients there who don’t have any visitors and reach out, take them some flowers to brighten their day or reach out and touch their arm and say, “hello”. When you see that single Mom at church, give her a hug and let her know you are praying for her and her children. Whatever it is God lays on your heart to do to reach out to others, just take the moment and do it! Show His love to others, you just never know how healing the most simple of acts of kindness may be.
Quote: “Don’t confuse how you feel with who you are. Things don’t have to be good for you to be great. The wind in your face just might be God blowing you kisses.” ~ Noah benShea, ‘Jacob’s Children’