1 Thessalonians 5:24, He who calls you is faithful; He will surely do it.
What is God calling you to, or what has He called you to in the past? I was 12 when I felt God was calling me to be a missionary and I was in my forties when I started writing Bible Studies that God has taken around the world. Had I given up on God ever using me as a “missionary”? Absolutely! After my divorce I was told that I would never really be used by God, even though I hadn’t done anything wrong to cause the divorce ~ I was an embarrassment. Such horrible words that should never be spoken. Take a look in the Bible and read about the people God used! It’s not about who you are or where you’ve been as much as it is about where you are now and what you will allow God to do in your life!
You can count on the fact that if you are following God and allowing Him to work in your life that He will fulfill all that He created you to do and be. God is always faithful to His word and He wants to use your story and life to bring Him glory. God specializes in taking what satan means for harm and destruction and turning it into something beautiful that glorifies Him. He loves you and He wants to help you use all of those talents He put inside you so you can accomplish all He created you to do. It’s not too late and you can count on the fact that if He has called you to something He has given you what it takes to do it and He will be right by your side to guide you. Don’t give up!
What promises has He given you? Hold on to those! We are so near-sighted that we have a tendency to believe that if it hasn’t happened in what we think is a reasonable time then it must not be happening, but God’s timing is always perfect. Look at the stories of David in the Bible. He was anointed to be king when he was young, but it was years before he was actually the king and he spent a lot of that time running for his life from King Saul. Just because he was anointed everything didn’t fall into place right away and it certainly wasn’t a smooth ride to the throne! God still fulfilled all that He promised and He blessed David for being faithful along the way and for trusting that God would do all that He said He would do. Don’t give up! Cling to those verses and promises that God has given you. God is faithful! He will do what He has said He will do! Don’t give up and don’t go your own way! Stick close by His side allowing Him to do in and through you all He created you to be. His best is yet to come!
Quote: “Don’t be afraid to take a big step if needed. You can’t cross a chasm in two small jumps.” ~ Anonymous