Psalm 119:160, “the entirety of Your Word is truth, And every one of Your righteous judgments endures forever.”
God is the same, yesterday, today, and forever and so is His Word. Too often people want to pick and choose which parts of the Bible they want to believe, or maybe choose a fault of someone in the Bible and use it as an excuse for their own choices. Whether it is God’s promises, or His Laws of life, or His judgments, they are all true and God is faithful to bring about all that He says.
Whatever you are facing in life today or whatever struggles you may be dealing with I would encourage you to run them by Him. Dig into His Word. Seek His truth about your situation. Don’t choose the world’s standards. Don’t believe the lies satan is trying to tell you today about your situation either. Seek God and His truth! God is always faithful to His Word.
It just happens to be a Friday and I have already seen people saying, “Thank God it’s Friday” but maybe for you, the reality is that it’s one more day of frustration or storm or struggle in your life that you are beginning to wonder if it will ever end! Let me encourage you that God sees, He cares, and He has a plan for you so no matter how dismal things may look today just remember ~ there was a dark, dark Friday thousands of years ago when all looked hopeless to Jesus followers. Jesus was crucified and as you can imagine they were lost and confused and they weren’t really sure what to do at that point. They were depressed and had no clue what was going or how they should respond, but Sunday was on the way! Maybe today in life it feels to you like that’s your life, but let me encourage you that your Sunday is on its way and it is closer than you think! Not one tear you have shed, not one battle you have fought, not one thing that the enemy has brought against you has escaped His notice, and just as the verse above says, “The ENTIRETY of Your Word is truths and EVERY ONE of Your righteous judgments endures forever.” God is faithful and He will bring to pass all that He has promised you He would do. He loves you more than words can say and nothing can stand in His way. Nothing is too difficult for Him. It may be Friday but Sunday is closer than you think! Cling to Him and dig into His Word! A lot can happen in three days!
I would also like to encourage you today to dig into His Word. What are you missing out on knowing because you are neglecting spending time with Him? Which is more important to you that tv show you are addicted to or spending time in God’s Word? Which of those things will make a difference in eternity in your life, the lives of those you love, and the lives of those you encounter today? There’s so much to learn! I have read the Bible through, over and over, and over in my lifetime and I can tell you that there’s always more to learn, always more to see. His Word is fresh and new every day when you dig in and pursue Him. Don’t miss out on all that He would like to teach you and guide you into. If it’s something you haven’t done and it seems overwhelming, start with just a verse or read the book of John. If you are struggling, maybe the Book of Psalms will refresh your spirit today. Do something though and don’t miss a moment of time that you could be spending with Him because that is when you will fully grasp that as you follow Him you can trust that truly His best is yet to come whether we see it on this earth or in eternity to come. He loves you. He wants you to draw closer to Him today!
Quote: The pursuit of “things” has become so popular that the pursuit of God has seemingly fallen by the wayside. “Things” will not satisfy that deep longing in your soul that can only be found in Him. Walk with Him and find that in Him His best is yet to come. ~ Janet Scott