Are You Open To Him Living With You

by | Sep 6, 2021

John 14:23,  Jesus answered him, “If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.”

What do you think?  Are you ready to allow Jesus to live in your home?  Do you think anything would need to change, or maybe I should ask, “how much would need to change?”  I am certain we all have some things that need to change.  We are all in the process, or at least we should be of growing in our walk with Him.  No one has “arrived”, but it should be a constant priority and desire.  I am trusting that is your heart since you have joined us to study His Word.  Your desire is to know Him more and that is how it works.

I would love to have my home so full of His presence that others feel Him when they come in.  If you want His peace it is found in having more of Him in your life.  It’s so easy to get caught up in the busyness of life that you miss out.  Don’t allow that to happen.  If you are raising children in your home strive to help them see that Jesus needs to be a priority.  Don’t allow the fact that they have all of those activities to take precedence over raising them for the Lord.  Don’t allow sports practices to come in the way of taking them to church or reading Bible Stories to them before bed.  You will wake up one day and they will be teenagers and if you haven’t already started those habits you will find that it won’t be as easy.  It is still necessary even if you have teens today and they don’t want to make God a priority, it is our responsibility to guide them.  Their eternity depends on them knowing Jesus, don’t take that lightly!  I know it’s not a popular topic, but does watching that favorite tv show come before reading the Word of God?  Teach your children to read God’s word by showing them that it is important to you.  

Jesus loves you and wants to spend that much time with you.  He wants to live with you!  He wants to guide you in all that you do.  He wants to help you through that storm.  Don’t wait for a storm to come to seek Him with your whole heart.  Make Him a priority today.  The more you seek Him and know Him the more you will love Him.  We can all grow in our walk with God and the closeness we have.  There’s never a moment when we reach a point on earth when we can say we don’t need to learn or grow anymore.  Ask Him today what you can add or maybe remove from your life in order to draw closer to Him.

He sees you.  He knows everything you have faced, are facing, and will face and He wants to walk with you and live with you every single day.  You are never alone if you are walking with Him.

Quote:  “All that we love deeply becomes a part of us.”  ~ Helen Keller