John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.
How much do you believe in God’s love? No, really, no “pat” answers here. How much do you believe God loves you, not the world, but just you?
Have you ever had your heart broken by someone you love? Have you ever had someone you care deeply about believe lies from satan until they want nothing to do with you? The heartache from that is overwhelming! Have you ever done that to God? Have you ever bought satan’s lies until you push God away? The father of lies wants to steal, kill and destroy you and those you love, guard your heart!
I remember trying to survive emotionally after my Dad passed. He and I had been so close all my life and he was more than just a “Papa” to my children! To lose him was such an overwhelming loss I didn’t know how to handle it. I had just taken on a new job and was expected to set aside my grief and move forward, I was hurting, my children were hurting and all I seemed to feel was loss. I started questioning everything! I made the mistake of not taking my thoughts captive so satan was running wild with lies! What difference did it make in life to walk with God, it still seemed like all I dealt with was hurt and pain, and struggles? I got angry and decided that it must not matter, I was on my own either way. Wow! Lies, straight from Hell and I broke His heart! I bought the lies and chose to shut Him out for a season, oh, I still read my Bible and prayed, but I shut Him out emotionally, I didn’t feel as though He really cared about me or He wouldn’t allow so much pain in my life. I chose to believe satan’s lies, instead of the truth found in His Word! I broke His heart by believing the lies satan was whispering in my ear. Have you ever been there? Are you struggling with that now?
God is strong and mighty, He is all-powerful and someone we should all be in constant awe of, but He is also a God with a very tender heart. His heart is so full of love for you that when you buy satan’s lies about Him and how much He cares for you, it breaks His heart! There’s nothing more hurtful than being rejected by someone you love because they have chosen to believe lies from satan about you! Nothing! God loves you! He cares about all that you face, every second of every day! There isn’t a tear that you have shed that has escaped His notice! He wants to walk with you through every heartache and struggle in this life, you don’t need to go it alone! He wants to show you His truth in His Word, so you can find peace and success. His heart is for you, don’t buy satan’s lies! Life is full of struggles so when you face the struggles that come your way, make sure that you:
- take your thoughts captive (2 Corinthians 10:5, We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”)
- Spend time in His Word and focus on Him (Joshua 1:8, This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.)
God is for you! He loves you and it does make a huge difference whether or not you allow Him to lead you in all that you do! Don’t give satan a foothold in your life by believing his lies! Guard your heart and mind with the truth found in His word and you can know that truly His best is yet to come! Hold on!
Quote: “Mountaintops inspire leaders but valleys mature them.” ~J. Phillip Everson