Matthew 9: 27-29 As Jesus went on from there, two blind men began following Him, shouting, “Son of David! Take pity on us!” When He entered the house, the blind men came up, and Jesus said to them, “Do you believe that I have the power to do this?” They replied, “Yes, sir.” Then He touched their eyes and said, “Let it happen to you according to your trust”, and their sight was restored. (The Complete Jewish Study Bible version)
God has not changed! He is the same, yesterday, today, and forever! People have changed that is why He said in Luke 18:8, “When the Son of Man comes will He find faith on the earth?”
Faith and trust are things we constantly have to choose. You must choose to believe all that God has promised you when everything around you looks the opposite. You must choose to block out all of the negative thoughts telling you it will never happen. I am not saying you can “name it and claim it” either”, I am talking about those things you know in your heart that God has promised you or those things you have been praying about that weigh heavy on your heart that He hasn’t said “no” to. God loves you and He would love to show up mighty in your life! Trust Him to do what is best and right. What result do you think you will receive right now if it is based on your faith and trust in Him?
If you are lacking in faith and trust in Him then it is time to dig in and get to know Him more! He wants a relationship with you and it is in developing a true relationship with Him that will grow your faith and trust in Him. It is highly unlikely that you are going to trust someone you barely know. You can’t just rely on hearing about Him once a week on Sunday to develop a relationship. How did you develop a close relationship with your spouse or friends? It wasn’t through chatting once a week. Spend time, quality time with Him in His Word. Ask Him to give you a deep desire to know Him more and to see His power in your life so others will be drawn to Him.
This isn’t about praying to get “stuff”, it is about seeing God do amazing things in and through you so others will see Him at work in you and will want to know Him. It is about believing that He can and will do more than we can ask or think in our lives when we wholeheartedly choose to know Him and follow Him. God is still The God of miracles, He still answers prayers.
If you have accepted Jesus as your Savior you have within you the answer that the world needs. People are looking for answers and the world is becoming a darker and darker place. If we don’t choose to believe if we don’t live lives that are different if we don’t exercise our faith by choosing to believe, then why would they want what we have? We are called to be the light and it is up to you whether you are a flicker or a bonfire to those around you. Choose Him and choose to trust Him knowing that truly then His best is yet to come.
Quote: “If what you believe doesn’t affect how you live then it isn’t very important.” ~ Dick Nogleberg