Don’t Get Stuck ~ Be Open To God Doing Something New

by | Sep 12, 2022

2 Timothy 3:16-17,  “All Scripture is God-breathed and is valuable for teaching the truth, convicting of sin, correcting faults and training in right living:  thus anyone who belongs to God may be fully equipped for every good work.”  (J.S.B.)

Are you fully equipped?  You have everything you need inside of you if you have accepted Jesus as your Savior to be fully equipped, it is a choice each of us must make: how much of us will we allow Him to guide on a daily basis?  Are there areas that you choose to do your own way or are you allowing Him access to every area of your life?  If you want to be all He created you to be then you must open up every area and allow Him in so you can be fully equipped.  

In order to have God’s guidance in your life and His blessing, you need to open up and allow Him to show you any area that needs to change.  Don’t cling to the “this is the way I have always done this or this is what I am comfortable with.”  There is an old Jewish story of a man that was loved by everyone, he was a hard worker and kind, but the problem was that he nagged everyone all the time with, “what time is it?”  He was constantly asking, “what time is it?”  Finally, they got together and decided that they would get together and have dinner and give him the gift of a watch so he wouldn’t have to ask.  They presented him with the watch and told them how much they loved him and he said, “but, why are you giving me a watch, I don’t need a watch?”  They told him that if he had his own watch he would always know what time it was.  He said, “but I have you!”  So they said, “but this way if you wake up in the middle of the night, you can know what time it is.”  He said, “no, I have a shofar, I don’t need a watch.”  They said, “a shofar doesn’t tell the time.”  He said, “when I wake up in the night and I wonder what time it is I just go to the window and I open it and blow the shofar and my neighbor yells, ‘stop blowing the shofar, it’s three o’clock in the morning’ and then I know what time it is.”  Don’t be like that man, so stuck in your ways that God can’t introduce you to something new and better.

God is trying to equip you with all you need so you can be all He created you to be.  Trust Him and His guidance and plan. Trust that what He is offering is best.  He sees you!  He cares about you!  He wants to use your story for His glory.  

This life is short, don’t cling to anything that may be standing in your way of wholeheartedly following Him.  His ways are always best and He is trying to guide you with His plan because it will matter in eternity, not just yours, but in those around you.  Ask Him today if there’s any area that you may need to open up to His leading so you can be fully equipped to serve Him.  Trust Him knowing that as you follow Him you will see that truly His best is yet to come!  

Quote:  “Do what you can with what you have, where you are.”  ~ Theodore Roosevelt