Are You Ready?

by | Mar 1, 2023

Deuteronomy 2:3 “You have made your way around this hill country long enough; now turn north.”

It was time to move forward out of the wilderness and head for the Promised Land.  They had wandered for so many years because of their lack of faith in God and now He was leading them into all He had promised.  

If you are facing hills, mountains, giants, and battles today, don’t even consider going back!  God’s got you!  He knows what lies ahead and He has a plan!  He knows what you have already faced and He has kept track of every tear and your victory is only found in Him!  He is your hope!  He is the God who sees!  He knows your name!  He cares and He is faithful and will bring about everything He has promised!  Don’t lose hope!  Don’t give in to satan’s lies!  Keep pressing in and pushing forward, there’s nothing for you to go back to!  Your answers are in front of you.  You may not be able to see them because of that giant in the way, but your God is a giant slayer and He will give you that victory if you will just hold on to your faith and trust in Him!  Don’t turn back and don’t give up!  There’s no victory when we give up!

I know what it is like to be completely weary of it all, but your hope is not found in giving up!  Your hope is in continuing to press into Him and your walk with Him and allowing Him to work in you.  He wants to do a new thing in your life and sometimes we need to be stretched a bit in order to fulfill all we are called to.  You can do this!  Ask Him for His strength to get you through your day!  Rest in Him and His promises!  Hold on to Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”  He doesn’t just have a plan for you He has a great plan for you!  Trust Him!  Rejoice in His goodness!  Get excited about seeing all that He is going to bring to pass.  This didn’t come to stay ~ it came to pass!  Allow Him to work so mightily in your life that it brings Him great glory!  Expect the miraculous!  God does not change!  He is the God of miracles!  We rarely see them because we rarely believe for them.  Get rid of that doubt and turn on some praise music and praise Him for all He has done and all He is about to do in your life!  It’s when God shows up mighty that the world is changed so don’t buy satan’s lies that God doesn’t ‘work like that anymore’ ~ where is that verse in the Bible?  My Bible says that God is the same, yesterday, today, and forever.  It also says that there were times Jesus didn’t do any miracles in some towns because of their unbelief, so if we aren’t seeing God do the impossible, it may be because we are not believing Him for it.  Let’s be an army of people with unshakeable faith!  Let’s ask God to “help our unbelief”!  Let’s cling to that hope found in the fact that God wants to show Himself mighty, He is looking for a few good men and women who will believe Him for it!  

Trust Him, His best is yet to come!

Quote:  “I am grateful for all of my problems.  After each one was overcome, I became stronger and more able to meet those that were still to come.  I grew in all my difficulties.”  ~ J.C. Penney