2 Chronicles 7:14 “if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
If you are called by His name today, is there anything that He has been speaking to your heart about that needs to go? We are called to be holy because He is holy and yet if you take a look around unfortunately we as Christians are seeming to blend in more and more these days with how we walk, talk and dress. Don’t get me wrong here, I am not saying we need to have legalistic standards and dress like a monk, but we could definitely raise the bar on some standards! It is amazing to me how many people think it is ok to cuss because Peter did ~ do you read anywhere that Jesus did? No, and He is our model, not Peter. Poor Peter, he was a great godly man, who died as a martyr and yet seems to mostly be remembered for his mistakes.
If you thought you were going to meet Jesus today, face to face, is there anything you would change? Would your priorities change if you thought He was coming today? Are there people that you would like to know how much more important your relationship with God is than you have let on? Are there people in your life that you would tell about Him? Are there relationships that you would make right? Would you change what you are wearing? Would you stop cheating on your spouse? Would you use those cuss words? What would you change to be ready for Him? We all have areas in our lives that we struggle in, but that’s just it; don’t give up the fight! Keep fighting those things that you know are not pleasing to Him, don’t just accept it as “just the way you are”! God will help you overcome anything that is hindering you today! He loves you!
The wonderful thing about this verse is the fact that we have the reassurance that regardless of any mistakes we have made in our lives if we will just humble ourselves and pray and seek His face and turn from those wicked ways, He will hear from heaven and will forgive our sins and will bring healing to our lives. What’s holding you back today? Is there anything that is coming between you and your relationship with Him? Have you accepted Him as your Savior? If you are called by His name, then give it all to Him so you can be that light in this dark world that others need to be able to find His truth!
Quote: “If what you believe doesn’t affect how you live, then it isn’t very important.” ~ Dick Nogleberg