Meet Him There!

by | Aug 1, 2023

John 21:3-6,  “I’m going out to fish,” Simon Peter told them, and they said, “We will go with you.”  So they went out and got into the boat, but that night they caught nothing.  Early in the morning, Jesus stood on the shore, but the disciples did not realize that it was Jesus.  He called out to them, “Friends, haven’t you any fish?”  “No,” they answered.  He said, “Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some.”  When they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish.

At this time, the disciples had seen Jesus already since He raised from the dead and they were waiting for what was next and while they were waiting Peter decided it was time to go fishing.  I don’t know if you have ever been fishing, but personally I love to go fishing.  I haven’t gone in years, but it is so relaxing and fun!  It can be such a great escape from everything else in life for a few hours.  Clearly Peter had had enough of sitting  and waiting and just needed something to do while they waited so fishing was what he knew and off they went.  

Sometimes when you are waiting it’s a good thing to just do what you know to do.  There are times when what is next isn’t always clear so what are you supposed to do in the wait?  Do what you know to do.  Do what God has put before you.  Pray for His direction and spend time alone with Him seeking Him in all that you do, but don’t feel you have to just sit there.  So often we want God to just drop something in our laps and we stop doing those things we know He has called us to do or has given us the abilities to do and then we find ourselves frustrated with too much time on our hands.  Don’t allow satan or anyone else to stop you from doing what God is telling you to do especially in the wait of what is next.  Remember, satan is out to steal, kill, and destroy so you need to be on guard and pursuing God and His direction.  Don’t buy satan’s lies that God is finished with you or that you don’t have the talents you need to do something for God.  God created you with a purpose and He has already put in you what you need in order to accomplish it!  God will take all of those talents He put in you and will hone them if you will just seek His face and allow Him to work in and through you!  If there are people who are coming against your doing what you believe God is calling you to do, just know that it’s just satan using them to keep you from all that God created you to be and God help them, they will answer to God, but you do what God puts on your heart.  Trust me, satan will do whatever he can and use whoever is willing to try to keep you from doing the will of God because he is afraid of what you may accomplish if you fully follow God’s leading in your life!

It was after they had breakfast with the Lord that morning after fishing all night that Jesus reinstated Peter and confirmed Peter’s calling.  It wasn’t wrong for them to go fishing, it gave them the opportunity to see another miracle of God.  This is one of those cases where the miracle wasn’t a need, it was just a blessing!  God knows what you need and He knows what will bless you.  Keep your heart and mind focused on Him and pursue Him with everything inside of you.  Allow Him to heal your heart and mind and body.  His desire is for you and He wants you to be successful in all that He created you to be and do.  When you do that, you can fully know that His best is yet to come!

Quote:  “Men are anxious to improve their circumstances but are unwilling to improve themselves, they therefore remain bound.”  ~ James Allen