James 1:22 But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.
Do you remember the old Lays Potato Chip commercial ~ “Bet ya can’t eat just one”? It was a great campaign because it burned the reality in your mind that typically it is tough to eat just one of something you love! Whether it is chocolate or potato chips or maybe cashews, whatever it is, it is hard to just have one, you want to have your fill of it, you don’t just want a teaser!
We need to work on our spiritual lives until we can’t just settle for “one”! One little day (typically Saturday or Sunday) to hear, one little lesson out of our week to learn more about Him should not be enough to us. It is really difficult to learn and apply something to your life if all you are getting is a sample teaching once a week! Can you imagine starting a new job and your new boss informs you that you have a lot to learn and you will be expected to do what is expected on the job, but for the next year they were only going to take a couple hours out of 1 day a week to teach you what you need to know. It would take you years to learn what you needed to know at that rate. You would be fired if you were supposed to do your job to it’s full extent with that tiny bit of training and yet that is all the training half the Christians around the world do for God! The same thing goes for the children in your life, you must teach them daily, the Word of God! With all that is gong on in the world, where else will they learn?
In order to grow to our fullest potential and to make sure that we are not just hearing, but doing what God says to do, we must spend time getting to know as much about Him as possible! Remember Joshua 1:8, “This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” Knowing Him and walking with Him is where we will find our answers. That is how we will be able to shine His light to the world around us! People are looking for answers and the only way for them to see the way to Him is for Christians to live it!
Now, since you are here, obviously you are striving to spend more time with Him, so let’s each find at least one other person to encourage on a regular basis to pursue that close relationship with God! Let’s seek out others to encourage and teach! Maybe you should host a Bible Study in your home or maybe you could invite someone to a small group in your church, and share our daily Devotional here at Chocolate and God with your family and friends! Pray for God to help you apply all that you are learning and at the same time reach out to share that with others. Let’s work at getting to the point where “just one” day a week isn’t enough because our desire to learn more about him is that overwhelming! Let’s choose to be lights to show the way to Him and let’s reach the world around us, one person at a time!
Quote: “Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least.”