Don’t Underestimate God’s Plans For Your Life

by | Sep 19, 2023

1 Samuel 16:11-13,  So he asked Jesse, “Are these all the sons you have?”  “There is still the youngest,” Jesse answered.  “He is tending the sheep.”  Samuel said, “Send for him; we will not sit down until he arrives.”  So he sent for him ad had him brought in.  He was glowing with health and had a fine appearance and handsome features.  Then the Lord said, “Rise and anoint him; this is the one.”  So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers, and from that day on the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon David.  Samuel then went to Ramah.

Don’t underestimate  or neglect what God is calling you to.  Do not try to explain it all away to God either.  Sometimes we have a tendency when God is trying to tell us what His plan is or maybe what He is calling us to do, to explain to Him why that just can’t be.  

You can’t look around and take on someone else’s story and say, “well God isn’t going to do that in my life because He didn’t do it for them.”  While God is the same, yesterday, today, and forever, He works differently in each of our lives.  We are not all called to the same things.  Just because someone you know wasn’t healed that doesn’t mean you won’t be.  Just because God didn’t vindicate the wrong here on earth for someone else, it doesn’t mean He won’t step in, in your situation.  Don’t put God in a box and don’t underestimate your call.  Take a look at David, his family didn’t even bother calling him in when Samuel came!  Wow!  He was the youngest and he was so looked down on they were going to allow him to miss out on this historic event of eating with Samuel and hearing why he had come to meet with their family and yet he was the one God had chosen!  Don’t miss out on what God has for you to do or what His plan is for your situation because of what someone else is saying or doing.  You are not called to someone else’s life, you are called to the plan God has for you!  You have to remember that satan will use whatever tactic he can to keep you from becoming and doing all that God created you to be and do.  Don’t allow him to do that!

There isn’t one person out there that God doesn’t have a plan for.  Don’t let satan rob you of that through doubt or discouragement of what other people say or think.  Dig in to the Word of God and only allow Him to tell you what that purpose is.  Don’t allow someone else’s outcome to discourage you because that is their life, you need to focus on and live your own life.  That goes for everything you are called to.  Don’t get jealous of someone else doing what you are called to do or even what you aren’t called to do.  It takes all Christians doing what God is calling them to do in order to reach as many people as possible.  You aren’t going to do all of that on your own, so rejoice when you see someone else working alongside you doing what you are doing, or doing something different than what you are doing, but doing it with a heart to please God.  

God wants to use you and your story.  Allow Him to write it, don’t expect it to turn out like someone else’s.  He loves you and you are unique to what He has called you to.  Don’t make light of whatever that may be.  Ask Him today for the faith you need to be all He created you to be and follow Him with your whole heart!

Quote:  “Faith believes in spite of the circumstances and acts in spite of the consequences.”  ~ Adrian Rogers