He’s Got The Plans All Laid Out…

by | Oct 11, 2023

Proverbs 3:5-6,  “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.”

Have you ever gone to an amusement park or a carnival?  When you start walking around, and especially if you have children with you, the distraction of it all can be overwhelming.  Everywhere you turn there is either a vendor calling out, or a ride everyone wants to go on, and until you stop for a minute and get your bearings and figure out what you will start with and where you will go from there you can almost be paralyzed with the wonder of where to begin.  You can’t do everything at once so it takes putting together a plan so you can maximize your time and money.  There are long lines to wait in and food to figure out so it pays to take the time to figure out a plan.

God wants to show you His plan, you don’t have to figure it all out, you just have to follow Him and trust Him.  You will have to be intentional in following Him and seeking Him because there are a million things out there screaming for your attention.  Satan would like nothing better than to either keep you busy with something or distract you with something to keep you from God’s plan.  As Christians, we need to stop and take a look at whether or not we have become complacent.  If that sounds old school to you then you may really need to take a look and ask God to show you what you may be missing.  God’s word has not changed and He has a plan and it is not for us to just go along with what the world says is right.  We are called to be a light in this dark world.  If you aren’t different than the world then why would they want what you have?

Have you ever found when you are reading your Bible that you realize that you are skimming over the “familiar” verses and stories because maybe you have heard them since you were little? Please allow me to make a suggestion; I have some friends who are authors and I have had times when I was given a book either that hadn’t been published or had been published but not released to read and not only was it a blessing and a privilege to get them, but I read them with more intensity because it was given specifically to me to read. When you pick up your Bible to read it next time open it the way you would when a friend has just given you His most prized writing and He can’t wait for you to read it because it has so much in it that will bless you and guide you for all you could ever face on this earth. Read it making sure to not allow your mind to glaze over and look for details you have maybe missed. See it as time for Him to really speak to you through His story so you can know Him. He wrote it for you!

Christians talk about wanting revival and revival begins with us.  Revival begins with Christians getting their hearts right with God and getting passionate about Him.  The world is headed to Hell and so are our nations and it is time for us to take stands on the Word of God.  We need to put God at the forefront of what we are doing.  Parents need to take a stand for what is being taught in the schools and most of all in their homes.  Start by setting the standard in your home based on God’s Word.  Teach your children.  Show your children by your example.  Don’t just make “good choices”, make the best choices based on the Word of God.  Dare to be different so others will be drawn to God.

God has a plan for your life, He tells you that in Jeremiah 29:11-13 and He wants to guide you into all that He has planned for your life.  Run those decisions you are making today by Him and just ask Him to guide you.  Focus on Him and know that you can trust Him.  Shut out the noise of the world for a moment and just rest in His peace so He can show you all that He would like to do in and through you.  “In all your ways”, ask Him if there’s an area of your life that you have neglected to give to Him.  Trust Him with your whole heart to guide you and those you love into all that He has planned for your life so you can be the shining example He has called you to be.

Quote:  “Even if you are on the right path you will get run over if you just sit there.”  ~ Will Rogers