What Are “All These Things” That Are Needed In Your Life

by | Oct 12, 2023

Matthew 6:33,  “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”

There’s so much going on both in your life and in the world that sometimes life can seem like a whirlwind, just carrying you from one thing to the next.  Everyone seems so full of stress and tempers flare over sometimes the slightest of things… it can make you feel like that old commercial, “Callgon, take me away!”  Ohhh what it would be like to just have a “normal” day.  

In the midst of all of the craziness, the best thing you can do is spend some quiet time with God.  Even if you can just get 10 minutes of quiet with Him it will make such a difference.  We can’t change how everyone around us behaves, but we can choose our own attitudes and how we respond to it all.  You don’t have to allow someone else’s attitude to ruin your day or your own attitude.  The other day when I was working to get my website back, as stressful as that was all by itself, I was also dealing with the person who intentionally deleted it because the hosting was given back to him instead of me, (because that is why I paid money to protect it from him LOL) and then my old IT guy’s parents anger when I was trying to figure out where it went.  While I was not shocked or moved emotionally by the person who deleted it, I was shocked and hurt that the parents were so angry and rude when they had always been so kind in the past.  When I took it all to God that was when I realized that they are dealing with so much anguish over all that is going on in their son’s life, and they are responding out of their hurts and frustrations of wanting to fix it all and they can’t ~ only God can fix so many things in our lives.  When I stopped to consider that then I could release my own hurt over words that were spoken that I didn’t deserve and that were probably not really meant.  If you take the time to take what is said and done that hurts, frustrates, or angers you, to Him, then He is faithful to give you what you need in order to keep that from getting down inside you.  Our goal must be, every single day to respond as Jesus would respond, that doesn’t mean you are a doormat ~ Jesus wasn’t a doormat, He stood for what was right, but He didn’t allow someone else’s emotions to dictate His responses. That means that if there is a response to be given because sometimes the best thing to say is nothing, your response needs to come from Him.

We cannot act like the rest of the world and expect them to want to follow God.  The Bible tells us in John 14:6, that Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through Me.”   When we accept Him as our Savior we are given the Holy Spirit to help us live the lives we are called to live so others will be drawn to Him.  There is no other way!  The world is a very messed up place and Christians must stand up for what the Word of God says, and we must respond in ways that reflect Him.  Pray for Godly wisdom and for the confidence and boldness that only comes from Him.  Seek Him with your whole heart!  Get to know Him.  We are the Bride of Yeshua (Jesus), how well do you know the Groom?  

“Seek first…” ~ are you seeking Him?  The more you know Him, the more you look like Him. “And all these things…” ‘These things’ are more than just things, it’s about being molded into all He created you to be.  Things come and go and you can’t take them with you and how much stuff you have or don’t have really doesn’t define who you are even if some people think it does.  I know wonderful poor people, I know wonderful wealthy people, and I know terrible, hateful poor people, and terrible, hateful wealthy people ~ as the saying goes, “More money just makes you more of what you already are”.  It isn’t the money, it is who they are inside.  Jesus wants to walk with you and He wants to show you and guide you into all He created you to be!  He knows all of the potential He put inside you that if you will just seek Him He wants to bring out and use for His glory and to reach the world around you.  So, I would like to encourage you today that if there’s something or someone else that has first place in your life to take the time and ask Him to help you rearrange those priorities so He has first place in your life and then the rest can all come together.  I know that things like your finances can be consuming and you feel if you don’t constantly pursue some avenue to make more and focus on it then you won’t be able to pay those bills ~ I get it… don’t go there!  Give it to Him and do what He gives you to do and make sure that you maintain balance in your life so you don’t neglect what is most important.  Be all you can be by seeking Him and allowing His plan for you to develop through that.  He sees, He cares, He loves you more than words can say.  Trust Him with whatever is weighing you down today and know that “His thoughts are not our thoughts, and His ways are not our ways,” but they are always the best thoughts and ways so follow Him in all you do, knowing that His best is truly yet to come!

Quote:  “The Mission:  Today, take the smallest of actions, but in a new direction, the first step toward the life of victory you’re called to live ~ the yud (iota) of a new journey.” ~ Jonathan Cahn, The Book of Mysteries