Are You Ready ~ God Isn’t Finished…

by | Dec 5, 2023

Philippians 1:6 And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.

God isn’t finished with you yet!  He is still working and He will continue to work in and through you until you meet Jesus!  God’s desire for you is for you to be all He created you to be and He created you for a purpose!  You aren’t here to just sit and watch the paint dry!  Where you are doesn’t matter, you just need to allow God to take you from where you are to where He is trying to lead you!  Let go of your agenda and your excuses and follow Him!  He didn’t bring you this far to only bring you this far!

God always has a way of taking all you have been through and using it to bring you to another level.  He can take all that has seemed wrong and use it for good if you allow Him to!  Whatever you may be facing today may be there to get you ready for the next level He is taking you to.  If you are frustrated because it seems there’s just one storm in your life after the next, ask Him what He wants you to learn from it.  If we open our hearts and minds we can always learn from any situation He allows in our lives.  He loves you and He is there and He is working ~ don’t allow what you may feel to tell you differently!  Trust Him!

He hasn’t given up on you, so you need to hold on to that and press forward.  Take a look at Paul in the Bible!  He wrote several of the books in the New Testament but take a look at who he was before that!  He was out persecuting and killing Christians, he was even there when they stoned Stephen, cheering them on and holding their coats!  You could almost compare Him to someone today leading crusades against Christians and then getting saved and having that much of a turnaround in their life! He had quite the past and God used Him mightily and in fact, is still using his testimony and writings to affect the lives of people today!  

If you are down and out because it seems as though everything you have tried in the past has failed, stop for a moment and ask yourself if you are doing your thing or God’s.  If you are following Him, He may be trying to do a new thing in your life and you cannot allow those past failures to stop you from all He is trying to do in and through you now!  Maybe it just wasn’t time yet.  Remember when the Israelites left Egypt God didn’t rush them right into the promised land because He knew there were battles there that they weren’t ready for. Seek Him and allow Him to guide you.  

God wants to use you and He wants to see you be all you can be for Him!  He loves you and wants His best for you!  Let go of your agenda and seek Him and His agenda for your life!  His best is yet to come but you have to be willing to allow Him to lead you there!


“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson