What A Calling ~ We Are Capable!

by | Apr 10, 2024

Romans 12:10. Be devoted to one another in love.  Honor one another above yourselves.

How much different do you think the world would be if we all applied this verse to our everyday lives?  What would happen when the traffic is bad during drive time and the road is narrowed down to just a couple of lanes?  What would happen in line at the grocery store?  How would spouses treat each other and their children?  Goodness, people may even choose the words they use more carefully, I am tired of all the foul language that is used, even in professional situations.  As my English teacher in High School used to say, “All it does is show a lack of intelligence to use a better word!” Sorry, but no, you don’t get an honor badge because you swear.  

Anyhow, back to treating others with the love of God!  There’s so much hurt and pain out there that as Christians we can show that there is hope!  The world is full of hopelessness and they need to see that there is hope found in God and God alone!  It is our responsibility to show them!  It is our job to love them.  Take a look around and you can see that pain in their eyes!  Oh, how the Lord’s heart must break!  He wants us to be His hands and feet!  He wants us to minister to everyone, we aren’t called to pick and choose who we think is ”worthy”:  Matthew 25:39-40 tells us, “When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?”  The King will reply, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Somehow we sometimes get the mistaken idea that we could possibly be “better than”… but it is by the Grace of God you are who you are.  Be an example and show God’s mercy and grace to everyone He brings your way!

Life is short, so what are you doing with yours?  What are your priorities?  Are you as concerned about serving others in some way as you are about yourself?  Are you as concerned about eternity, not just for yourself, but for those around you?  There’s nothing wrong with being motivated to be successful in life God expects you to be motivated and do your best with the talents He has given you, but He wants you to be motivated in showing His love to others at the same time!  He loves you and He loves them and He wants us to show the world His hope and love!  You can’t do that if you are constantly on edge.  So, if you are feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, and angry with life yourself right now, it is time to sit down with the Lord and be still for a moment.  Ask Him to help you sort out your priorities and to show you what it is that is making you feel the way you do.  It could be that you are trying to do everything in your own strength and you need to give a bunch of that stuff to Him and leave it there!  It could be that you are trying to just do too much period and some things just need to go!  Then ask what needs to change and for Him to fill you with His love until it just spills over to everyone around you!  Ask Him to give you compassion for all of those angry people you encounter.  His desire is to fill you with His love so others are drawn to Him as well so please, let Him love others through you today, knowing that His best is yet to come!

I do not like to ask and I am praying for the day to come soon to pay for it all myself again, but there is a reason God is allowing a time for the ministry to be supported by more than just me. I believe when He does this it is to give people He has blessed the opportunity to be a part of what He is doing through it! When you give to help the ministry you are helping us reach thousands of people around the world!!

  • We have a serious, urgent need by the end of TODAY of $375 ~
  • For anyone who would like to give a gift to the ministry to help with monthly expenses:
  • My Venmo is @Janet-Scott-11, and my CashApp is $JanetScott7773 OR you can email me and I can send you my Square link for debit and credit cards. Email me at [email protected] or janetscott@chocolateandgod.com. Thank you so much!!! God Bless! ~Janet. I so appreciate your prayers and generosity!!
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