Serving With Gladness…

by | Jul 5, 2024

Psalm 100:2,  Serve the Lord with gladness; Come before His presence with singing.

What are you doing to serve God?  I’m not asking that to condemn, but I’m asking because if you aren’t serving Him in some way, you are missing out!  There are so many ways you can serve Him.  Too often we tend to think that if someone isn’t teaching or a Pastor or missionary then they aren’t really serving, but that isn’t true.  Maybe you are a public school teacher, or a volunteer somewhere, or maybe you work in a factory ~ serve God.  Whatever it is you do in life, you can serve God by being a godly example.

You can serve Him wherever you go even by showing the love He has put within you to the world. I remember when I worked at the resort and some people coming there on vacation were some of the most angry people I had ever met! I remember being called down to the front desk one day to help with an angry customer when I worked in reservations. They had given him an upgrade and had tried everything to appease him so I finally told him, “You are the one on vacation and these ladies have worked their hardest to please you, I do not understand why you are the grumpy one!” Don’t be one of those people who are impossible to please ~ show the love and grace of God. How do you treat your servers when you go out to eat, DoorDash something, or when you order something from the store and have it delivered?  Do you tip well or do they all argue about who has to take your table or deliver to you because they know you are stingy?  When you go to the grocery store do you pass by the people who are working as if they are a display or do you treat them with respect?  Every moment you are around other people is an opportunity to show others His love, mercy and grace.

The other day Abby and I were going through a drive-thru and the person in front of us paid for ours.  I enjoy doing that for other people on occasion too, but it was such a blessing that day to be shown that kindness.  Get excited about any opportunity to serve Him!  Ask Him to show you any opportunities you may be missing.  Maybe you have a coworker who could just use some extra kindness.  Maybe your elderly neighbor could use a bouquet of flowers.  Maybe that single Mom could use a gift card to eat out or for groceries or gas.  There are so many ways you can serve Him today.  Don’t miss out!

Quote:  “Each one of us will one day be judged by our standard of life, not by our standard of living, by our measure of giving, not by our measure of wealth; by our simple goodness, not by our seeming greatness.” ~ William Arthur Ward