Trust …How Can You?

by | Oct 5, 2024

Proverbs 3:5-6,  Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

I know I have written several Bible studies on “trust”, it is something that God has really, not only put on my heart but has been working on me in that area as well.  It is so easy to just say that we trust Him, of course, we do, but how deep does that trust go?

If God asked you today if you trusted Him with the most treasured thing of your heart, what would your first thoughts and feelings be?  Would you instantly start to fear or dread that He was about to do something that was going to hurt you or do you open your hands and say, “Yes I trust you!”?  

We live in a world so full of heartaches and pain and the evil of the world these days is just more and more obvious by the minute.  Trusting God is vital!  Satan is out to make everyone think, just as he did Eve in the garden, that God doesn’t have our best interest and yet God, our God sent His Son to die for our sins so we could spend eternity with Him.  Who are you going to choose to believe?  Hebrews 11:6 tells us, “But without faith, it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.”  That little word “And” here is a big deal!  It doesn’t just say that we need to believe that He exists, we must believe that He always does what is just and good.  We must trust that if He allows something in our lives that He has a plan to use that situation for good.  God wants to bring out the best in you and only He knows how to do that!  That doesn’t mean that terrible things are headed your way!  Remember Abraham with Isaac?  He trusted that God doesn’t lie and that God fulfills His promises.  He didn’t withhold his son from God.  He trusted God and that was what made Him righteous in God’s eyes.  

Trusting God hits us in every area of our lives. Trust and faith walk together.  If you don’t trust then you can’t really have faith because faith is believing that God will do what He has said and that He is good all of the time.  The safest and always best place on earth to be is walking with Him as closely as you can!  Heartaches and struggles will come as long as you are on this earth, the more sinful the world becomes the more struggles and heartaches there will be!  Don’t leave His side!  I had a woman email me a while back and I hope she is still a part of the Chocolate and God family because, with all of the changes and work that had to be done to save the website and email for C&G for the life of me, I cannot find it.  If I remember correctly she was wondering about how to trust after your spouse has cheated, repented, and said they wouldn’t do it again.  How do you trust that they won’t hurt you like that again, and well, there’s no way to truly know if they will cheat again or not.  That is why you must put your trust in God that He will guide you and help you get through whatever comes your way.  Only God can change someone’s heart, but they have to be willing to change.  God doesn’t force anyone to change, that is why He calls us to put our faith and trust in Him and not other people.  Yes, you should be able to trust your spouse, but it is their choice whether or not to be trustworthy!  If you are in a situation like that I cannot emphasize enough the need for Christian counseling by a Counselor or Pastor who is walking with God.  If you aren’t sure where to find one in your area, here in the U.S. you can go to the American Assoc. of Christian Counselors website and they have a list:   If your spouse won’t go, then go for yourself!  Most importantly ask God to help you trust Him with it all that way you can become all He created you to be and that may be what will bring your spouse around.  Either way, you will be able to have the peace of God, knowing He has you in the palm of His hand!  God taught me a long time ago that the best prayer I could pray when it came to His changing the people around me was, “Lord ~ Change ME!”  It’s in His changing us that allows Him to do what only He can do in the lives of those we love.  Sometimes it is in the change that others see in us that brings about the change in them.  (Side note:  if you are in an abusive situation then first and foremost you need to get to a safe place!  If your spouse is truly willing to change then they will change and they will get the help they need).

So learning to trust God is a process and doesn’t happen overnight.  The more you know Him the more you will trust Him and love Him.  The more time you spend with Him the more you will become like Him.  Let’s determine that when He returns the answer to His question of “Will I find any faith on the earth” will be “Yes, we’re here!”  He loves you and He is faithful even when we aren’t, even when other people in your life aren’t!  Ask Him to fill you with confidence in His love for you to trust Him more every single day of your life!


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