Let’s All Spread Some Love Today

by | Oct 10, 2024

John 13:35 “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

My word, the world is so full of hate and anger these days!  It is out of control!  We must start being the difference!  We must pray for God to fill us so full of His love for people that we can’t help it, His love just oozes out of all over those we come in contact with!  

Take a good look around!  How much love do you see that is being shown in comparison with the hate and anger?  People all around you are hurting and let’s face it, more often than not, ‘hurt people, hurt people’!  You are probably hurting in some area of your life as well.  What do you do with that hurt?  We all have a choice.  We can take all of that hurt to God and ask Him to heal our brokenness or we can stuff it down and allow it to make us into angry people.  He wants desperately to take that hurt and turn it into something that can be used by Him to teach others and draw them to Him.  Life is full of hurts and struggles, no matter who you are, and we have to decide daily what we are going to do with those hurts.  I would encourage you to give it all to Him and ask Him to help you grow closer to Him through it all.  God has great things planned so you are going to have to make the decision of whether or not you are going to focus on your pain or give it all to Him and focus on Him.

So, how can you reach out to others?  Sometimes it can be as simple as a passing smile, or when you see that angry person coming at you to beat you in line at checkout, stop and offer to let them go in front of you.  When you have the extra money, buy that car behind you their coffee or meal.  Find something complimentary or kind to say to that other man or woman who looks as though they are at their wit’s end today, but be sincere, or don’t do it. Just be friendly, unfortunately, that seems to be so rare these days. If you ask God, He will be happy to show you how to spread a little love in this angry world.  

The other choice you can make today is to not allow everything someone else says to offend you.  Half the anger out there is because it seems that everyone is offended over something and most of the time it is over something ridiculous that has nothing to do with them personally.  Don’t waste your time getting offended over everything ~ focus on God and all that He is calling you to.  You don’t have time for that nonsense.  

Choose to honor God today in all that you do!  Choose to show His love to those you come in contact with today, even on Social media!  Be the difference.  Show the world that there is a God who loves them and cares about everything they are going through! Help them see that He is their answer and they need Him.  Reach out and share salvation with those that you know are lost. God wants to heal all of your hurts and the hurts of those around you so give it all to Him today, don’t waste another minute!  Strive to become all He created you to be!  Trust Him and the fact that His best is yet to come!


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