Prayer is Vital!

by | Oct 17, 2024

Colossians 4:2  Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.

Even people who say they don’t believe in God tend to pray if their lives are in danger!  Let’s not wait that long to get serious about our conversations with God.  What a great privilege we have to be able to go to the creator of all and talk with Him and get wisdom from Him.  We take it way too lightly or things in our world would be different!

What is on your heart today that you are praying about?  My list seems unending at times, but it should be!  We should all have a list of people that we pray for every day!  Colossians 4:12 says, “Epaphras, who is one of you and a servant of Christ Jesus, sends greetings.  He is always wrestling in prayer for you, that you may stand firm in all the will of God, mature and fully assured.”  Clearly, Epaphras had a burden for the church in Colossi and he poured his heart out to God for them ~ do you have people that God has put on your heart that you need to pray for like that?  How about your children?  What about your pastor?  What kind of revival would we see in our nation if Christians took prayer more seriously?

I would like to encourage you today to increase your sphere of influence today by expanding your prayer list!  If you don’t have a prayer journal I would like to encourage you to buy one.  It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, a simple notebook from the store will do.  Write down everything and everyone you are praying for and if you want to go a step further, write down the date next to your requests when those prayers are answered, it will encourage you down the road.  It is a good thing to be reminded and to be thankful for all God is doing and has done in our lives!  Don’t put it off!  Start today!  If you don’t have your journal yet, write it down on a piece of paper and transfer it when you get one!  If you put off starting you will more than likely forget!  

Let’s become an army of women who pray!  Let’s go boldly to the throne and expect God to move in our lives!  Jesus made prayer possible for us, let’s not take that lightly!  Please take the time to share any prayer requests you would like us to pray about as well:  Please take a moment and share your prayer requests and pray for others as well:   CLICK HERE

Quote:  “If what you believe doesn’t affect how you live, then it isn’t very important.”  ~ Dick Nogleberg


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