Don’t Give Up ~ The Enemy Is No Match For Him

by | Oct 18, 2024

Joshua 6:20,  So the people shouted, with the shofars blowing.  When the people heard the sound of the shofars, the people let out a great shout; and the wall fell down flat; so that the people went up into the city each one straight ahead of him; and they captured the city.

What a great moment in Israel’s history that shows once again that there’s nothing God can’t do!  There’s no mountain too high, valley or pit too low and there are absolutely no walls you may face that are too big for Him to move!

I love this too because even though the song we all sang as children says that the walls came tumbling down, the walls didn’t crumble, they fell out flat to provide a ramp for the people to be able to go up into the city to conquer it.  These were huge walls that fortified this city!  The Israelites couldn’t just climb over the walls, they would have been killed in the process.  So God took care of just exactly how those walls were going to come down!  What once fortified the city now became the ramp to destroy it.  It is so amazing how God takes the very thing that is meant to destroy us or hold us back and He uses it to provide the way!  The enemy is no match for Him ~ ever!

I can just imagine how unnerving it had to be for the people of Jericho especially on that first day, wondering “What are they doing ~ Is this the day?”  But then day after day all they did was march around the city one time and then they went back to their camp.  The confusion of it all and there were probably those who thought, “Here we go again, are they thinking marching around the city is going to draw us out?  We just harvested our grain we have a spring of water…we can sit this out for years” and yet in the back of their mind they remembered everything they had heard about all that God had done for the Israelites over the last forty years and how He brought them out of Egypt.  Sometimes God’s timing and tactics can leave us wondering if He is ever going to move, but His timing is perfect and that seventh day came and brought victory that only God could bring!  You cannot lose hope because that wall is still there, you just need to be faithful to what He is telling you to do. Just keep marching forward and trust Him!  He isn’t sitting there wondering what to do, He is already at work.  You may see one thing or maybe you feel you don’t see Him working on anything in your life and yet He is working on multitudes of things in YOUR life because He sees and He cares and He is able!

Just like those walls that fell out flat, God is working out every single detail.  He knows what is best so while it may seem as though you can’t take one more day or you have just waited so long, don’t lose hope.  What if the Israelites had told Joshua after that first time around the city on the seventh day, “ya know, we are not seeing how all of this going around and around this city is really helping and that wall is not looking a bit different and you want us to go around it seven times and then have the energy to go in there and take over the city?  This just seems to be a waste of time and energy!”  You cannot allow satan to make you feel weary or doubt! God is ready and willing to give you what you need to make it around that wall one more time if that is what is necessary.  You just never know though, today may be your seventh day.   Remember the old saying, “It’s always darkest before the dawn.”  It is often when things really seem to be at the worst that God comes through and you don’t want to look back and think that you probably could have had a better attitude and more trust.  Believe me, I know how difficult some days can be but that is when you have to dig in and trust Him and Who He is!  When you can’t see Him working ~ Trust His Heart and Character!  Ask Him for the faith and trust you need to make it through another day!  Think about that ~ what if the Israelite army decided that they didn’t want to wait they would just march around the city thirteen times all at once because waiting until the seventh day seemed to be too long and they wanted victory now!  Don’t you think too that just maybe by the seventh day some of the people inside those walls thought, “Oh for Pete’s sake there they go again” and maybe some had let their guard down because this had gone on for days with nothing happening.  Who knows ~ only God knows what the reason was for the wait. Only God knows what He was doing in the mind of the enemy. Trust Him! That Wall is no match for Your God!!

Quote:  What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.  


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