Go After It With Confidence & His Leading

by | Dec 30, 2024

Joshua 1:7-9, “Only be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go.  This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it.  For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.  Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”  

Moses had passed and God was giving Joshua encouragement and instruction to move forward in leading the people of Israel into the Promised Land.  I can only imagine some of the thoughts that must have run through Joshua’s mind because Moses had a relationship with God that was like no other and the people had followed his leadership for those 40 years.  Now it was time for Joshua to step up, and be strong and confident in leading them in to take the land.  God didn’t ask him to fill Moses’ shoes, He told him to walk in the confidence that He was with Him and Joshua did.

Life is constantly changing and God is always working in your life to help you grow into all He knows you can be.  Sometimes that may require going through the “wilderness”, other times it may be a mountaintop experience, or maybe a terrible storm or worse yet intense fire.  Whatever God allows in your life know that He is with you if you have accepted Him as your Savior and He will work it all for your good if you will just walk with Him and trust Him.  

For Joshua and the Israelites, this was an exciting time, they were finally going in to take the land that God had promised Abraham 400 years before.  Can you imagine…. They were going to have homes and not have to move.  No more wilderness!  A place to call home!  There were still giants in the land, but they knew that God would be with them and they would have success as long as they trusted Him and followed His leading.  

What is God leading you into, have you asked Him what His dreams and plans are for your life?  Now is always a good time to ask.  God created you with your own personal purpose so be sure to ask.  Maybe you have been doing the same thing for years, does He have something new for you to do?  Don’t even begin to say you are too old or too young!  If that is what you have been thinking I would encourage you to read Genesis through 2 Samuel.  There are also Paul and Timothy in the New Testament.  You are never too old or too young for God to use if you are open and willing.  Even if God is keeping you in the same job, same town, same church, etc., is there something more He has for you to do?  Maybe there’s an area in your church you can serve in, or maybe there’s someone you can mentor so they can grow into who God created them to be.  He wants to use you and your story!

Head into this New Year asking God how you can serve Him and then move forward in confidence.  Dedicate yourself to spending more time with Him in studying His Word and in prayer!  If you feel as though you are in the wilderness or the worst storm of your life, don’t look for escape through mindless activities or any other source, look to Him and ask Him to guide you so you can learn all He is trying to teach you.  If you desperately need an escape then pull out your Bible and read some Psalms or read through all of the stories of Israel’s history and allow your mind to just absorb all you can about the Mighty God we serve.  Find your escape in Him!  Pursue Him as you move forward.  We don’t have a lot of time so let’s determine to make a difference by serving Him and finishing strong so others will come to know Him!