Ezekiel 16:13-14 Thus you were adorned with gold and silver and your clothing was of fine linen and silk and embroidered cloth. You ate fine flour and honey and oil. You grew exceedingly beautiful and advanced to royalty And because of your beauty for it was perfect through the splendor that I ha bestowed on you declares the Lord God.
God made you beautiful and He wants to continue to grow you and bless you in that beauty! God delights in you and He truly wants to treat you as His beautiful bride! Think about it, God likes to bless us so much that He even thought about what we would enjoy in life when He created the world! He didn’t have to create the world in a way that we would enjoy it, he could have just made big scaly dinosaurs without furry little puppies and kittens. He could have just made skunk cabbage without the roses and daisies or lilies. If the God of all creation took that much time to create the world so you could enjoy it then why would you think that now that you have arrived here that He wouldn’t care about your everyday desires and struggles?
In these verses He is talking to Israel about what He had done for them and how He had blessed them and made them the envy of every nation around them and as you read on in the chapter He talks about how they threw all of that away to go after the gods of other nations to become the reproach of other nations! We have those same choices today, we can look at the Israelites and think that they were a foolish nation, but are we making some of the same mistakes? Are we more concerned about what others think of us than we are about pleasing God? Are we more concerned about having something new than we are about helping the poor? What choices do you make on a daily basis that is the opposite of what you know would be of God?
It is your choice today; do you want to be clothed with God’s beauty and blessing or are you more interested in what the world has to offer? If you read the entire chapter you will see the devastation Israel brought on themselves by choosing to follow the world and it was so typical of the world to turn their backs on them once they realized Israel had turned from God. I would encourage you today to make good choices, godly ones that will make you shine with all the loveliness God has created and continues to create in you! Accept His blessing today and walk as the Princess that He created you to be!
Quote: “What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.” Zig Ziglar