Psalm 118:24 This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Is your plate full today of things you are facing and dealing with? Are you fearful of something that is coming down the road? Are you worried about how things are going to turn out?
Whatever you are facing today I would encourage you to rejoice in the day at hand. Ask God to guide you to do whatever needs to be done today and to give you the strength to just take one day at a time. Start by doing what you can do today and stop worrying about anything you can’t do anything about today. It is a waste of energy and time to worry about something you can do nothing about – let God take care of it until He shows you what you can do to help.
Hold onto your joy today and find some ways to worship God. Turn on some great music and praise Him for another day! Take a look around and realize that your situation could always be worse. It’s like I told Bill last night; we could live in a hut in Africa, getting our drinking water from the pond where everyone washes their clothes and the cows stand and drink. We are more blessed than we realize at times so take some time today to think of all that is going good in your life and thank God for it.
The Lord has made this day and He has a purpose for you to fulfill today so figure out what that is and thank Him for it, in fact don’t just thank Him – Rejoice and be glad for it! Take one day at a time. The best is yet to come!
Quote: “If what you believe doesn’t affect how you live, then it isn’t very important.” Dick Nogleberg