Philippians 2:14 Do all things without complaining and disputing
Have you become a complainer? Has life frustrated you to the point that you have lost any sense of feeling positive any more? Well, it’s time to quit complaining and get back on track and give it all to Him.
That can be easier said than done I know, but it is possible if you choose it. I think sometimes the reason we want to hang onto complaining is because we are hurt and we want to continue to make sure that others understand that we are justified in our behaviors or attitudes because of……… If we don’t complain then others won’t understand just “how bad we have it in life” or how much of our attitudes and behaviors can be blamed on someone other than ourselves. Hmmmmmm…. I don’t think that answer is going to fly one day when we stand before God and have to answer to Him for every idle word and thought.
It is ok to talk to someone about our hurts and frustrations the problem comes when that is all we do. When family and friends see you coming are they excited or do they think, “oh great what could I or someone else have done wrong” or what horrible thing has come along now to complain about? It can be easy to get caught up in the negative of life and dwell there if we aren’t careful so it takes a conscious effort to stop and think about what you are thinking and saying.
Complaining just brings more negative into your life. Negativity has never brought about any good for anyone. You are what you think and speak so if your thoughts and words are negative then what results do you think you are always going to get?
If you live with a negative person it may take telling them that you will hear what they have to say but you are not going to listen to them beat the proverbial dead horse over and over until you both lose all hope in life! We have to be able to listen to each others hurts and frustrations in life but learn to find balance. There should be way more positive conversations coming out of our mouths than negative. We all have negative things in our lives but don’t live there, choose to find the positive and dwell on what an incredible God we serve and think on His promises for our lives. Choose to allow the scriptures and praise and worship to lift you up out of that pit of despair!
Let’s all take today and ask God to help us choose to have a day with no complaining! Choose to speak positive to each other and to focus on God’s blessing and awesome plans for our lives! Choose to have a glass that is 3/4 full. Choose to bless yourself and others with positive, affirming words. Seek out ways to affirm all of those around us today and see how the day goes and how much better we feel about our circumstances and ourselves. The Almighty God of Heaven has a plan for your life, plans to give you peace and a future and a hope! (Jeremiah 29:11) Take one day at a time and focus on good and not evil because truly the best is yet to come!
Quote: “The Journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” Chinese Proverb