John 11:21-23 Martha said to Jesus, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died. But even now I know that whatever you ask from God, God will give you.” Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise again.”
If it just seems to late for your situation to turn around or you just feel as though you have lost your hope for anything to turn out right where you are but you are walking with God and you are following His will then you can know that He still has a plan. Jesus waited to show up after Lazarus had died for a reason and that reason was to glorify God. If you are in a position where it seems nothing can be done any more then if you will fully rely on God to do what is best and believe just as Martha did in these verses you can know that God will move in a way to bring more glory out of the situation.
Jesus cared deeply about their grief even though He knew that Lazarus would rise from the dead. It says in verse 35, “Jesus wept.” He was so moved by their grief, it touched His heart deeply and He is moved by what you are going through as well. Jesus cares more than you know and He has come with a plan just like He did for Mary, Martha and Lazarus. He always has a plan but you must trust that He will bring it to pass and it will be for your good and for His glory to draw others to Him.
Don’t underestimate what He will do in your life if you allow Him to continue to work in your situation. As the old saying goes, “it is always darkest just before the dawn.” Blindly follow Him and trust that He has your hand and will lead you through and as a result He will be glorified. Mary and Martha were looking for healing for Lazarus and Jesus was looking for a resurrection! Look for God to do mighty things in your situation and hold onto your faith and hope in God just like Martha did and see the glory of God as He moves and works in your life.
Quote: “Hope never dies where faith is strong, and faith grows strong in the presence of hope.” Chad Witmeyer
This series is much needed for me. I just read the one from the other day (7/2016). It feels hopeless. It seems hopeless. I just have to trust that God has a plan.