Psalm 31:24 Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the Lord!
Do you need a boost today to lift you while you wait? We all seem to have something we are waiting on so what are you waiting for today? Some may be waiting for a child to come back to God, or maybe you are waiting on your spouse or parent, are you waiting on a job or a house, are you waiting for a child of your own? No matter what you are waiting for, trust me I know that waiting can be really tough after a while.
Now, here is a question I have had to ask myself at times and I would like to encourage you to ask yourself this as well: Are you waiting on God or is He waiting on you to slow down long enough for Him to show you what He has for you? Are you so busy trying to “survive” that you are too busy to hear that still small voice telling you why you are here and what you are called to do next? Are you so miserable where you are that you can’t see the goodness of God that is waiting for you? God didn’t bring you to the place you are to be miserable, He brought you to this place because there is something He needs you to do. God isn’t finished with you yet, obviously, you are still here! Don’t spend your time moping because things don’t seem to be what you are either used to or expecting, God obviously had bigger plans than you did. God doesn’t take us backward on the ladder of life, He grows you to bigger and better things to accomplish for Him. If He has taken something from your life it is because you have grown beyond that and He is moving you forward, why do we have a tendency to think He would ever train us to get us to where we are in life and then have us do something less than we were doing before? Those are really silly thoughts if you think about it for a moment!
Stop where you are today and take some time to be quiet! Stop trying to figure it all out and just hush and let Him speak into your life and show you the great and amazing things He has planned for you to do next. Ask Him to help you to be content where He has placed you today, in this moment, in this season, in this state and to glorify Him in all that you do. Ask Him to fill you with His peace so you can see what all He has for you to do, stop doing and listen! God loves you and there is a reason – there is always a reason!
Years ago my husband and I moved to Ohio for his Bible school and at the same time a preacher was called out of the church that the Bible school was a part of to pastor our home church in Northern Michigan. The pastor’s wife hated being in the middle of no where in Michigan and I really did not like living in the city in Ohio. We used to laugh as we would compare complaints when we would visit and then one day God convicted me that we were where we needed to be and I needed to stop complaining so the next time I saw her I told her that God told me that she and I needed to learn to do as Paul said in Philippians 4:11 ……”that in whatsoever ‘state’ I am ‘in’, therewith to be content.” We laughed, she not so much as I, but we knew that God was telling us to stop complaining and learn what we needed to learn and allow Him to move us forward in what He had planned. Sometimes we can have such a bad attitude that we end up where we are longer than we would have if we had just asked God what we were supposed to do and learn.
Focus on HIm today, ask Him for strength and the wisdom and peace to know what He has called you to. Stop moving and shaking for a moment and let Him show you His plan. The best is yet to come!
Quote: “When we choose not to focus on what is missing from our lives but are grateful for the abundance that’s present… we experience heaven on earth.” Sarah Breathnack