Jeremiah 33:2-3
Thus says the Lord who made the earth, the Lord who formed it to establish it – the Lord is his name: “Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.”
Are you needing some answers today? Where do you go or where do you look when you need answers? Do you go to your friends or a counselor or maybe you have a great godly mentor? Those are all great and necessary but don’t forget to go to God! Remember that you have the ability to get answers straight from God yourself so ask Him. Are you lacking in faith? Ask God to show you what is holding you back from fully trusting Him and having the faith you need.
Do you need answers for your situation? Ask Him to reveal what you need to know and then give you the wisdom to deal with it. Maybe there are truths that need to be revealed in your situation that you have no idea about and God needs to bring some things to light in order for you to then have the insight to know how to handle it. God is always eager to share His wisdom with us and to teach us things we don’t know or understand. Does it happen in an instant? Not very often, sometimes we have life experiences that we need in order to have the understanding we need. There are times though that the wisdom is waiting on us, we just need to ask God to reveal it to us.
Whatever you are facing today, don’t leave God out of it. Ask Him today to show you what you need to know and to give you the strength and wisdom to follow through. There are times we need to grow in other areas so God can trust us with the wisdom He has for our situation. It won’t do you any good to have wisdom if your anger is going to rule the situation, and it wouldn’t be good for Him to reveal truths about your situation if you are going to spread things around town that shouldn’t be spread – be careful who you confide in when God reveals things to you.
Ask God today to reveal truth and to give you wisdom. It amazes me every day that the Lord, the one who made the earth waits to hear from us! How incredible it is that He cares about every detail of our lives and He wants to be apart of it all and guide us in all that we do! Why would we ever allow that opportunity to slip through our fingers?
“Much of what we see depends on what we are looking for.” Phil Calloway