You Can Do It!

by | Jul 16, 2015

Colossians 2:9-10
“For in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily, and you have been filled in him, who is the head of all rule and authority.”

Are you worried about that thing God has told you to do? Are you thinking that all that you are facing is more than you can handle? Read those verses again and let it sink in a minute…….. The fullness of God dwells in Jesus bodily and you have been filled with Him and He is the head of everything! If He has called you to something you already have everything you need to fulfill all that He has called you to.

Often we wonder why God allows things and certain people in our lives but it is to exercise the areas we need to grow in. If you have accepted Christ as your Savior then you know that The Holy Spirit of God lives within you and you have all the fruits of the Holy Spirit right there, sometimes though they need to be exercised in order for us to let go of those areas in our lives where we are not allowing the Holy Spirit to rule and reign.

When you need more faith for the task at hand, remember these verses. God gives you a passion to do what He has and is equipping you to do. We often think it is the other way around. God will never ask you to do something that He hasn’t already been preparing you for. If you are working in that preparation stage, hold on and know that this is just a stepping stone for all that He has for you. I have worked jobs before and have wondered why on earth and how on earth I ended up there, but then when I reached the next position I could see how God had used that job to prepare me for the next one. I have also had people in my life that I have wondered why they were there and yet my experiences with them often helped me to help someone else.

We are so fortunate to have the Holy Spirit dwelling within us and guiding us in all that we do. The problem is that often we pick and choose what areas we will allow Him to guide us in, if something is uncomfortable we often choose to “go it alone” instead of allowing Him to work in us and guide us through so we can grow in Him. When we choose to stifle the Holy Spirit’s leading we often face the same situations over and over and over until we learn what it is we need to learn. God isn’t going to just give up on teaching you something that you need to learn so you can be all you can be ~ He loves you too much!

Let me encourage you today to hold on to those verses above and when you feel frustrated, inadequate or overwhelmed pull them out and read them again. Remind yourself that God lives within and He will help you and guide you if you will just allow Him to. The best is yet to come!

“It’s not where you start ~ it’s where you finish that counts.” Zig Ziglar