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Galatians 6:2
Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.
So ladies, where do you go when someone is hurting? We often ask or hear others ask “where is God when people are hurting” but the real question is where are you? Is it just too messy or maybe time consuming to bother with someone else’s burdens? Would you prefer to just not get involved?
I have a granddaughter and she has always been a bit OCD about her hands being messy and the other day my daughter and I had a lady come to the house and she did some free spa treatments with us and Patience participated. When she put the granulated scrub on her hands and told her to rub her hands together for a bit you could tell from head to toe Patience was squirming and uncomfortable with the mess on her hands. The relief was all over her face when she washed it off and then she was instantly so proud of how awesome her hands felt. Getting involved with someone else’s “mess” can feel somewhat the same – it can make you uncomfortable from head to toe listening to things that may make you squirm but the transformation that will take place in you from allowing yourself to be used by God in someone else’s life will amaze you!
You want to know where God is when others are hurting? Look in the mirror girl! We are His arms, His hands and His feet so if we do nothing when we see a need then how do we expect others to see God in their situation?
When I went through my divorce years ago I remember just praying that God would give me someone that would truly show me the love of Christ because I had gone from being so involved in the church to divorced and feeling like an outsider. It seemed as though all of my Christian friends “hit the road” and the only friends I found were old friends that were not walking with God. It seemed as though no matter how much I tried to reach out no one had time and then God gave me a couple from the church, Richard and Wendy and the love of Christ they showed in the things they did touched my heart in such a way that I just sat down and cried. I am sure it didn’t seem as big a deal to them as it was to me, but the impact was long lasting.
You would be amazed at the simple things that can be done to help someone feel God’s love through you. A lot of times just taking the sincere time to listen and genuinely care is all it takes, other times maybe you need to get actively involved if God opens the door for you to do that, maybe it’s a card, a meal or flowers. Ask God if you are missing someone today that He would like you to reach out to, take the time to really pray for those who are hurting, don’t just provide lip service saying you will! Honor God by being His hands and feet and a listening ear, don’t allow those around you who are hurting to wonder where He is – He is in you!
“Caring about others, running the risk of feeling and leaving an impact on people, brings happiness.” Rabbi Harold Kushner