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1 Peter 5: 8-9
Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world.
No matter where you live in the world, we all face the same spiritual battle. Satan is looking for the right time and weak moment in your life to attack. He is patient and he will lurk, waiting as long as he needs to in order to catch you off guard. When we were in Africa and were out on the Masai Mara, it was amazing how easily a lion could hide in the brush, waiting for his prey to walk by! The camouflage of his fur in the brush kept him hidden and if you didn’t know what you were looking for you could miss him completely! I can’t really say that I would ever want to walk anywhere out there because I would be a wreck after a few minutes trying to keep all of my senses alert and eyes peeled looking for animals that could kill me! We need our senses guarded in this spiritual battle as well, but the great thing is ~ God is on your side, the battle is the Lord’s and if you wrap yourself up in His armor, you are as safe as we were in the jeep, just a few yards away from those lions!
Crazy thing is; did you realize that sometimes your weakest moments come during or right after that Mountaintop experience! If you aren’t careful to keep your guard up (Ephesians 6:10-18) when you have that great moment and feeling of success, you can find he has snuck in and is setting up house to destroy all God is accomplishing through you! Sometimes his attacks come from well meaning people. Sometimes they come from pride, sometimes it comes from such a fear of being pride filled, instead of relying on God to keep you humble you allow others to tell you how you need to do your ministry and you find yourself following them instead of continuing in God’s leading! If there is one thing Satan is good at, it is the subtle lie! If he can get you to believe that these “godly people” know best what you should do vs. following your gut with what God has always led you to do, then he has a foot in the door! Don’t misunderstand I am all for godly counsel, the Bible is clear that we are to seek godly counsel, but there are times when others want to impose their “godly counsel” and it doesn’t line up with what God gave you and that is when you need to hold your ground and follow God and tell others to step aside.
Satan loves to make you think that everything is hopeless in your situation! With God, nothing is ever hopeless unless God has told you “no!”. If God hasn’t told you no, then you need to hold on to your faith and hope in Him! Believe that He loves you and cares about all you face and He is your deliverer ~ not just that woman down the streets deliverer, He is yours! God always wants His best for you! He wants you to have a healthy marriage, He hates abuse, He loves your children even more than you do and wants what is best for them as well so continue to pour your heart out to Him to urge Him to fight for them! God loves you! He wants you to trust Him and put all your faith and hope in Him!
This war waged against us spiritually is real and must be taken seriously! Satan wants to keep you from being all you can be for God, no matter who you are, no matter what you have, no matter where you live ~ he is after you! Great news is that God is for you and “if God is for you who can succeed against you,” if you believe! (Romans 8:31) You can have victory! You can do great things with Christ! You can have deliverance from your situation! Hold on to your hope in Him! Arm yourself with God’s armor! Pray!!(Hebrews 4:16 tells us, “Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in the time of need.”) Whatever you do; don’t give up the fight because the best is yet to come!
“Adversity is the first path to truth.” George Gordon Byron