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Romans 12: 1-2
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Are you doing what you are called to do or is there something standing in your way? Some of the things that I have seen people allow to stand in the way of doing what they are called to do can be simple things, for example:
Stubbornness ~ you don’t want to do what everyone has always said you would do, like preach or maybe be a chef or stay at home Mom raising lots of children. Whatever it is, you aren’t going to do it just because you aren’t going to follow what people have always said you should do. Seems like a sorry excuse for not doing what God created you to do! Maybe the reason people say that is what you should do is because they see all of the God given qualities in your life. It isn’t a shameful thing to do it, it is a shameful thing to allow Satan to have that victory in your life!
Pride ~ What would people think if you quit your job to pursue something that you feel led to do that may bring about a huge change in your finances! My daughter fights all the time with the fact that she is perfectly capable of making good money, but in her case she knows that right now God has called her to be home with her children and to focus on her ministry at the church instead. That doesn’t mean that every Mom is supposed to do that, that is not what I am saying, but you know in your heart if that is what God is asking you to do! I have seen people quit their jobs and sell everything they have to be missionaries and I have watched others miss out on being missionaries because they can’t give that stuff up or their spouse can’t. When you begin doing what you are called to do, you cannot allow money to be the factor! As Bill’s Dad always used to say, “What would you do if money wasn’t a factor?” Don’t allow the pride of the things you have or want, keep you from the will of God, allow God to show you!
What if it is your spouse ~ Pray and ask God to show you how you can serve Him today. He knows your heart and your willingness to serve. He will give you something to do and you just need to do that thing with all your heart. Ask Him to work on your spouses heart and to give you the contentment for what you have to do today. There will come a day when He will open that door, so just trust Him where you are. Don’t fret over it, God knows.
No matter where you are today or what God is tugging at your heart about, I would like to encourage you to keep your ‘Yes’ on the table. Don’t shut God down for any reason! The only way to feel fulfilled in life is to be doing what God is calling you to do here and now. You may be called to work a seemingly meaningless job today which will train you for what He is calling you to do tomorrow! If there is one thing God is doing in your life, even if it doesn’t seem like it where you are today, it is that He is moving you forward. You may need some form of training in that crazy job you found that will prepare you to do what He is calling you to do next! Nine times out of ten, that job isn’t a forever job if it isn’t what you are feeling you are called to do. If you feel as though there is more for you then you are right. God is training you so keep your ‘Yes” on the table so you are ready when He opens those doors for you! Truly the best is yet to come!
“Our greatest danger in life is in permitting the urgent things to crowd out the important.” ~ Charles E. Hummel
“To accomplish great things we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.” ~ Anatole France