Leviticus 19:2 “You shall be holy for I the Lord your God am holy.”
Well, that seems pretty cut and dry doesn’t it? Do we really need any more reason than that to do what is right and to walk with God in all that we do? It seems that we are often more interested in what we can do than what we should do. God has poured out His grace on us but He still expects us to be a holy people just as He expected it of the Israelites.
As a child of God we really aren’t free to just walk, talk, dress and act any way we please, we are called to be holy because He is holy. If there was ever a day this is needed it certainly is today. We live in a dark world where everyone around us just wants us to be quiet and tolerant of what they decide is right, but if it doesn’t line up with what God’s word says, people, it isn’t right! God loves us and cares for us and that is why He tells us to be holy. When have you ever walked in sin or chosen your own path and in the end found that it was better for you? Satan will lure you with his lies to make you think it will be better, but it is always a path that leads us to heartache and pain. Since we know that why do we even listen to him?
Funny thing, but as Christians we are being ‘silenced’ in America because the media is trying to get us to believe that there are only a few of us out here, but that isn’t true. There are a lot of people who need to be reached, that is true, but when you look at how things change when Christians decide to stand together against or for something, like the ‘Duck Dynasty’ issues and A&E or Chick Fil-A, we don’t need to stand alone there are a lot more of us than even we realize. The Egyptians didn’t want the Israelites to realize how strong and how many of them there were either so they could rule over them and do what they wanted. Be holy in what you stand for – you are not alone!
If you want to make a difference in your family and at work then you are going to have to be different. Be holy because God is holy. Does that mean you have to walk around looking and acting weird? No! It means you need to become more like Christ, show His love and kindness to others. Watch your tongue, take your thoughts captive, be careful what jokes you are laughing at, guard your testimony! Does that mean you walk around casting judgement on anyone who may not be walking with God? Of course not! Jesus came to seek and save the lost even He left the judging to God so why would we think that is our position?
I would encourage you today to ask God to help you be more like Him. He loves you and cares for you and He wants you to know Him and He wants you to be able to walk in His light and blessing. The best is yet to come!
Quote: “You can’t talk yourself out of a problem that you behave yourself in to.” Stephen Covey