Psalm 100
Make a joyful shout to the Lord,
All you lands!
Serve the Lord with gladness;
Come before His presence with
Know that the Lord, He is God;
It is He who has made us, and not
We ourselves;
We are His people and the sheep of
Hs pasture
Enter into His gates with
And into His courts with praise.
Be thankful to Him, and bless His
For the Lord is good;
His mercy is everlasting,
And His truth endures to all
Psalm 100 has been a favorite Psalm of mine for years and I am not sure why other than the fact that there is just something about it that gives me tremendous comfort. It’s sort of like that same feeling I can remember having when there was a snowstorm when I was little and my Dad would arrive home. That feeling of security and everything being ok now. This Psalm gives me that sense I believe because it is so focused on who He is and His love for us.
Everything in the world has been so stressful to an extreme for the last six months. You can’t tell what is the truth these days and what is a lie unless you really allow the Lord to show you, you cannot just assume. There has been a lot of fear and hostility stirred up and that is not of God. God doesn’t desire for us to live in fear and He certainly is not the author of all of the anger and violence. It is time if you haven’t already, to turn your heart, mind, and soul to Him and ask Him for His direction and truth. When our focus is on anything other than Him things get distorted and out of control. You cannot look to the world for your answers, you need to dig in to the Word of God and spend time with Him so He can show you. He wants to fill you with more of Him so you can be that light that the world needs right now!
But let’s get back to this Psalm. Let the words of this short Psalm fill your heart and mind. Turn on some great praise and worship music. Turn it up and shout to the Lord with praise for who He is. It is He who made you so allow that to tell you who you are. God created you with a purpose and He wants you to focus on that. God is so good and He loves you beyond measure. His mercy and grace will carry you through whatever you may face here on this earth! His truth is the only thing that matters! It doesn’t matter what the world has to say if it doesn’t line up with the Word of God then it is meaningless.
I would like to encourage you today to open your heart and mind up to God’s truth, love, and mercy. Allow Him to fill you to the point of overflowing with His presence so you can be that light in this dark world. Serve Him with gladness because, at the end of the day, that is all that matters! Trust Him today knowing that truly His best is yet to come!
Quote: “It’s in the struggle itself that you define yourself.” ~ Pat Buchanan