“Jesus Loves The Little Children…..”

by | Jan 13, 2013

Psalm 127:3  “Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, The fruit of the womb is a reward.”

How sad and quite often angry it must make God that He gives us the reward of children and blesses us with them and they are often rejected before birth or pushed aside after.  If I am horrified at the number of children murdered every day by abortion I can only imagine how God must feel – they are His gift of life!  Children are precious to Jesus and He cares deeply about everything that goes on in a child’s life.  Matthew 18:10 says,“Take heed that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that in heaven their angels always see the face of My Father who is in heaven.”  There are so many wonderful moms out there waiting to adopt, we have alternatives to abortion!

Abortion grieves me.  It also grieves me to see the number of Moms who ignore their children or abuse them.  I am not sure how “Farmville” became more important than a child or texting became so highly important that women are able to block out the cries of their children, but we need to get back to being Moms again.  Everyone else and everything else can wait if your child has a need.  We need to teach other women who haven’t been taught how to interact and play with their toddlers.  Stack blocks, learn colors and numbers, learn to pick up their toys, learn about Jesus and manners.  There are some great young moms out there who pour into their children like they should and I thank God for their shining example.  We all need to work together to love on and teach children to be all they can be for God.

Now, one thing that I have seen lately that absolutely kills me is for a Mom who has adult children to degrade and belittle them or shut them out because she feels they are making a mistake.  How do we guide them if we shut them out?  How are you showing the love of Christ if you verbally abuse?  We may not always agree with our children when they become adults but why would we shut out all the positive influence we could have by trying to manipulate by saying “if you don’t do ‘this’ I am not going to have anything to do with you.”  God loves us regardless of what we have done and that is the example we have for how we are to love others.  Jesus ate with ‘publicans and sinners’ that weren’t his relatives, how much more should we welcome our own children regardless of what they have done wrong.   We don’t have to agree with them but love will speak much louder than criticism when they are old enough to make their own mistakes.  Earn the right to speak into their lives by setting the example first and then loving them so they know you are a safe place.

“The fruit of the womb is a reward” whether you adopt or you give birth to your own!  Children are a gift from God and each and every one of them deserves to feel special and loved.  If you have grandchildren that live far away and you aren’t able to enjoy them maybe you can find a young couple to pour into and you can fill that “Gramma” need in their lives.  Find a child to love on today, that ‘child’ may be a young single Mom who needs an older woman to love on her and show her how to be a loving Mom too.  Allow God to show you today a child that needs you.

Quote:  “Grandmother/grandchild relationships are simple:  Grandmas are short on criticism and long on love.”


  1. Heather

    What about when a mom finds out her son is gay? Should she just totally ignore it & let this sinning child come for a few days to a Christian conference ground (with their partner) and let all their relatives feel uncomfortable? This happened in my family. God says to love the sinner, but hate the sin. I didn’t see this put into practice. What can be done next time?

    • admin

      I know this is really a sensitive issue with families when faced with these decisions. Bill and I just had a conversation about this and there can be a fine line between saying that you approve of the lifestyle and saying that you love the person, hate the sin. Jesus ate with sinners and he was criticized greatly for it, but He still made a point of doing it! My thoughts are that we embrace the son but not the lifestyle, in other words if we had a child that said they were gay and they wanted to bring their “friend” home to meet us or for a holiday, our rule would always be they can come but they cannot share a bedroom. My daughter has a great friend that has decided he is gay and he has been to our house many times and we love him and yet he also knows our stand on his lifestyle. My daughter has had many talks with him and has made it very clear that when he is ready to come back to God we will do everything within our power to help him but until then we still love him. I have made it clear to any other family members that we love him and he is welcome and that they are to treat him the same as they would any other guest in our home. None of us are without sin, being gay is more obvious than some other sins but unfortunately Jesus had to die for it all! We aren’t here to judge and those who struggle with sin will rarely come to Christ if we shun them and don’t show the love of Christ. I in no way believe it is ok to be gay any more than I believe it is right to be addicted to porn or drugs or to commit adultery or murder – it is sin, but God is the one who is in the position to make us highly uncomfortable about our sin we are only in a position to do our best to show the love of Christ and lead them back to God!