1 Peter 4:9. Be hospitable to one another without grumbling.
How hospitable are you? How open are you to “little interruptions” in life?
It is incredible how much things have changed over the years! When I was growing up, it was a common thing for friends and family to just drop in! How often does that happen to you now? (I know we have been shut down off and on with this whole COVID thing, but how about when you aren’t?) Do your friends or relatives feel as though they can just drop in at your house? I have to admit that part of the reason this is on my mind is because Bill and I had some dear friends do that one day! Bill had just come home and was sitting and relaxing and I had been working on the faucet in a tub in one of the bathrooms half the day and homeschooling Abby and had just started preparing dinner, so things were not “perfect” at the Scott house! It was awesome! What a refreshing break! I made some coffee and tea and we sat and talked and laughed, it was wonderful! After they left, it made me stop and think that that is what is missing so often in our lives today! We are missing the important, unplanned interruptions in our hectic, crazy lives! As a result, we miss out on some of the best fellowship! Do you ever have “company” just drop in or are all of your “events” scheduled? Does your house have to be perfect in order to have someone over? I think we easily get too caught up in having to present that “perfect” front and we are missing out! We are so busy that even the thought of having our hectic day interrupted sends chills up our spines! How sad, what is just so important that it is worth missing out on time with friends and family? Now, there’s a lot to be said too for being careful if you are the one dropping in on someone that you don’t “overstay” and cause stress on your host and I would ask if it’s ok? Know them well enough to know that they will tell you if it is truly a bad time. Balance is the key here!
We all need to slow down a bit. I will be the first to admit that lately I can barely seem to catch my breath and I have things that I need to get caught up on that I am struggling to get to but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel for the things that are taking me away from my every day calling. I will not allow this craziness to continue. I was laughing the other day as I was talking with Abby about the fact that I started reading the book “Boundaries” but I haven’t had time to finish it because I have been too busy helping other people! Hahahaha! And so it goes at times! There are times when it is ok to be full of service to other people, because it is necessary but that must not be a way of life to the point where you do not have time to do what God is calling you to do. Remember: “If the devil can’t make you bad, he will do his best to make you busy.” ~ Corrie Ten-Boom
The same is true with your walk with God! Are you open to His unplanned interruptions in your life or does He always have to be squeezed into your schedule? Do you allow Him to speak into your life or are you too busy telling Him what you need Him to do? Ouch! I think we all do that at times because we get too caught up in our circumstances and we miss out on what He has to say. Sometimes those interruptions are for things you need to pray about or people you need to pray for and you certainly don’t want to miss out on that! Sometimes those interruptions may be something as simple as His putting something beautiful in your path that He would love to have you just stop and enjoy it for a moment. Don’t miss out on that fellowship with Him because you are just too caught up with life! Slow down! Pray today and tell Him that you would welcome Him to interrupt your day! Ask Him to open your heart and mind to those things when He does! Sometimes we are so used to just blazing through our day and not seeing Him in it that we have to retrain our brains! Ask Him to make it obvious to you! He loves you and would love to walk through life with you on a whole new level of fellowship if you will invite Him into your every day! His best is yet to come!
Quote: “Life begins when you do!’ ~ Hugh Downs