Isaiah 43:19, “Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”
Let’s face it we are usually more comfortable with things staying “the same”. As exciting as a “new thing” in your life may be there are always those uncertainties of the unknown and the fact that we tend to get comfortable with what we know. We so often expect God to always do things the way He always has and He does when it comes to keeping His Word and promises, but God is The Creator. He’s not stuck in a rut, He loves to show us new and exciting things that we have never known. Yes, He Himself, never changes, but that doesn’t mean He never does something different in your life that you have never experienced in order to bring you into all that He created you to be.
For example, I have seen missionaries that He has brought back home to serve here and it wasn’t because they were doing anything wrong, He was just moving them into something new. I have seen professional women who decided one day that God was calling them to stay at home and homeschool their children, not because they couldn’t have been successful businesswomen, but because they knew it was the change that God was calling them to. I have seen women who have been at home who have started successful businesses. I have seen men go from successful businesses to full-time ministry in some form.
The question is: are you open today to whatever God may be asking you to do, even if it is uncomfortable and different? Will you open yourself up to putting that “yes” of yours on the table and just tell Him, “show me if it’s time for a change and what I need to do”?
God loves you and if He is trying to do something new in your life it is for your good. It may not be comfortable but are you open to it? Sometimes the change may not be something monumental. It may be something small that He is asking you to change today in order to keep moving you forward into all that He wants to do in your life. Maybe it’s something as simple as turning the tv off and spending more time with Him. Maybe it’s time to get back into a church, there aren’t any perfect ones so if you are waiting for that you will never go and you need to go. Spending time with other believers is crucial to your growth. The more time you spend with Him and getting to know Him more, the more you will open yourself up to whatever He may be calling you to do. Don’t get stuck in a rut. Ask God today to open your heart and mind up to all that He has created you to be.
Quote: “Faith believes in spite of the circumstances and acts in spite of the consequences.” ~ Adrian Rogers