Ask God To Override What You See With What He Sees!

by | Feb 20, 2025

1 Samuel 16:7,  But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him.  For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

How much different would the world be if no one could see, or if maybe our ability to see didn’t include skin color or the ability to discern between attractive and not?  Would we choose different people to marry or be friends with?  Would we hire different people or vote differently?  Would we treat more people with the respect they deserve?  How often do you think companies miss out on the best employee?  How many people who think that they are “less than” for one reason or another would excel?

Our eyesight is a wonderful thing, but when it comes to people we shouldn’t judge by what we see.  You don’t know what storms they have faced, where they have been, or even where God is going to lead them.  We need to be very careful that we don’t get in the way of God using someone because of our own bias.  As Christians that is one area we should be so much different than people who don’t know Him, we are known for it!  There’s no room for prejudice in a heart filled with Jesus! Every single person out there was created by God in the image of God and He is the ONLY judge.

We need to be so focused on what we need to work on ourselves that we don’t have time to judge every person who crosses our path, whether it’s their clothes, shoes, hair, skin color… and I am speaking in both directions.  The Bible is also very clear that we are not to give preferential treatment to someone because of their status, and that’s a tough one for a lot of people because it is all around us.  Even some churches are guilty of doing that.  I have seen pastors lay out the red carpet for people because of their financial status and that isn’t right.  God is our provider and He can do it with rich and poor and many or few and when we start catering to someone because we think it may benefit us we have forgotten who our source is.  It’s all about giving God glory so that could be why there are so many times when He will take a small group of people and do a mighty work.  When you are focused on God, nothing is impossible.  When you focus on anyone else for any other reason than God bringing them to you then you may miss His best!  What if Samuel ignored God and anointed Eliab instead of David?  What sort of mess might that have been?

Ask God to give you discernment and wisdom.  Ask Him to help you see other people the way He sees them and with His heart for them.  The only way to make a difference in the world is to let go of what we think we see and follow Him!  He alone is The Way, The Truth, and The Life ~ there’s no other so if you want His best stick close by His side!