Philippians 2:14-16, Do all things without grumbling or disputing, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, holding fast to the word of life, so that in the day of Christ I may be proud that I did not run in vain or labor in vain.
If you are in the mood for an argument there are plenty out there that you can find! All you have to do is pull up a social media page and there’s always something you can argue with someone about and ruin your day or someone else’s. You have to ask yourself if it is worth it when you see someone post something political or just downright foolish. I used to think that I had to “right every wrong” someone else posted on Facebook and one day God just really convicted me that I wasn’t accomplishing a thing by doing that. Yes, there are times that we need to take a stand for what is right and for our beliefs if we are being directly attacked, but there are many times we just need to add that person to our prayer list and make sure that we are living a life that will show them who God is and what is right. Your actions in life will speak much louder than your words so make sure that your words are in line with your lifestyle and your lifestyle is in line with the Word of God.
Another area we need to be careful in is allowing our minds to run wild judging other people. It is easy to sum someone up in the first few minutes that you meet someone, but you very well could be wrong. It also seems to have become the “in thing” to “bear false witness” against other people, in other words, gossip, lie or spread rumors around about other people and it needs to stop! This is truly a twisted generation we are living in and we need to make sure that what we say and do lines up with scripture because satan is roaming about looking for someone to devour, make sure you aren’t walking hand in hand with him to do it!
We are called to be lights in this dark world and that means that our lives will have to be different than what the world determines is the “norm”! Christians need to be coming together to serve The Lord and empowering each other because satan is out to cause division whether it is in your Church or marriage or family or friendships because he doesn’t want to see what we can accomplish if we all work together. Forget the competition because it isn’t about you, it is about Him and drawing others to Him! If your service for God isn’t all about Jesus then you are doing it wrong! If we as Christians will determine to wholeheartedly give our lives to God and allow Him to fill us with who He is and His love, compassion, and holiness then we can work together for Him and others will be drawn to Him! Beating someone over the head with what you believe isn’t going to draw them to God, most people these days feel beat down enough, they need to see something different.
Spend time in His word getting to know Him, not just as a pointless exercise because you feel you have to. Ask Him to give you a desire to read it. Ask Him to help you understand what you don’t understand. The more you read, the more you will want to read, but know that it is ok if you start with just a verse or two and build up from there. Maybe you need to buy a new Bible. I just bought Abby and I each “The Jesus Bible” because I want her to understand what she is reading but without it being so watered down that the scripture has lost its meaning. You can start with Proverbs and read one a day, or maybe Psalms. The book of John is great for starting a journey of knowing Jesus! The key is to start somewhere! Spend time with Him and allow Him to pour into you until you are overflowing with Him and His love and compassion for others!
Quote: “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” ~ Chinese Proverb
Beautiful. So glad I saw this your daily scriptures. So excited to be a part of this
I am excited that you are here too Cathy! Have a blessed day! ~ Janet Scott
I enjoy and encouraged by your daily Devotional…We are to be ever Grateful thankful for All Father has given us and done for us through Our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ…I vow No mummering nor complaining God is So Good and Merciful to me …us. My New Year request was for Him to give me that insatiable hunger and thirst to get into His Word and live in It daily…you can touch and agree with me here and thank You…!
Hey Agatha, I am glad you have joined us! I am praying that c & God will be a blessing and encouragement in your walk with Him! Have a blessed day! ~ Janet