Isaiah 36:18-20, “Do not let Hezekiah mislead you when he says, ‘The Lord will deliver us.’ Have the gods of any nations ever delivered their lands from the hand of the king of Assyria?
King Sennacherib, king of Assyria was on a mission and had become quite full of himself and his “accomplishments” taking over the land and it was overflowing to those who served him as well as you can tell from his army commander’s speech in these verses. It is a pretty dangerous place to be when someone believes that they have such power that they believe that not even God can stand in the way of what they have planned either for their own life or maybe even for those around them. We all know satan sure has that attitude.
Have you found yourself in a seemingly impossible situation where there just doesn’t seem to be a way, like Hezekiah, you are wondering if you will make it through to the other side. Do what Hezekiah did and take that thing to God, block out everything else, and allow God to do what only God can do and what He knows is best. Trust Him! No matter what battle you are facing there is a whole other side of that battle that you can’t see, but God knows and He alone knows what all your situation needs. I know that no one seems to like to talk about Spiritual warfare, but satan is waging a war every single day and he knows his time is limited so he is out to do as much damage as possible. Regardless of what your background is, no one is exempt from attacks from the devil, he is cunning and ruthless and he hates all people. While it isn’t a popular topic, and it should not be our main focus, but it cannot be ignored because if we ignore them we are easy prey.
As it says in 2 Corinthians 10: 3-5, “For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” If you want God to fight your battles then it is crucial to walk with Him and trust Him. It may look as though He isn’t doing a thing, but He is and some of what He is working on is you! We always want comfort and yet we grow in the most uncomfortable situations. Relationships grow in times of testing or they fall apart and that includes your relationship with God. What will you do with this situation at hand ~ will you allow it to make you stronger and closer to the One who loves you or will you let satan whisper his lies to drag you down? You can do it and I know you don’t want to miss out on a closer walk with Him, He will fill you with His strength and give you the grace you need.
We don’t need to fear the spiritual battle, we need to put our armor on and get equipped by knowing the Word of God. We can’t ignore it! Use your ability to pray ~ pray for your family, your finances, and your struggles, but don’t stop there ~ pray for your friends, coworkers, and people you know aren’t saved, remember your pastor and his family! Do some battling in prayer! Society took a real left turn when some people decided that they could push God aside and take charge and just look around at all of the confusion satan has brought on. God is a God of order, and that is why right is right, wrong is wrong, and there’s no place in the Bible that He ever says, “Well, maybe this is ok….’You do you’”. Nope! That’s not what He said and He still doesn’t. It’s time to give it all to Him ~ your life! Yes, we are living in some serious times and it is vital for Christians to fully give their lives to Him, not holding any area back but trusting Him and obeying what He says knowing that once you have accepted Him as your Savior then truly His best is yet to come ~ let’s help as many people as we can come to know Him as well!