Do You Need a Boost?

by | Feb 10, 2025

Psalm 42:1,  As the deer pants for the water brooks, So pants my soul for You, O God.

Have you ever owned or seen a Peace Lilly plant?  It is seriously one of the only plants I seem to be able to keep alive!  I found that out one day years ago when I took my mom to the grocery store I saw a small one and bought it because I didn’t have any plants and I thought it was pretty with its white “flowers”.  I took my mom home and unloaded all of her groceries and a week later went back to the grocery store with her again.  When we came out of the store to put her groceries in my trunk ~ there was my plant!  It was wilted, but still alive!  After taking Mom and her groceries back home I took the poor plant in the house and gave it some water and about an hour later when I walked past it it looked fine!  That’s when I knew it was the plant for me!

I told that story because that is how life is for us so often as well.  You may feel as though, with everything going on you are stuck in the “trunk” and you aren’t sure you are going to make it.  If you want to be revived dig into God’s Word.  Add more of Jesus to your life and you will find the hope and encouragement that you need to revive your spirit and give you all that you need for another day.  His word is life and healing.  It is in His Word that you will find the direction that you are looking for.  His plan is always there.  As it says in Jeremiah 29:11-13, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.  You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”  

The answer is to seek Him with all your heart.  Let go of your agendas and allow Him to do what only He can do.  No, it isn’t always easy, but life isn’t easy and just exactly what will you accomplish better than God would by clinging to your agenda instead of His?  We want to control the outcomes, because that is human nature, and God wants us to let go and trust Him.  He loves you!  He sees what is going on that you can’t see and He wants to take care of all of it, but you must trust Him and invite Him into all that you do. Seek Him like you would a tall glass of water or a cold drink on a scorching hot day!  Ask Him to fill you with a hunger for His Word.  

We allow so many things to permeate our lives and we miss out on allowing God to saturate us with Him and His plan and then we miss out and wonder why everything is a mess.  Don’t miss out!  Ask Him today what needs to go in your life and what you may need to add in order to become all He created you to be.  He has a plan for you and for those you love, don’t let anything stand in the way of that.  Nothing could possibly be more important.