Psalm 9:28 And when He had come into the house, the blind men came to Him. And Jesus said to them, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” They said to Him, “Yes, Lord”
How about you this morning? Do you believe He is able to do what you need Him to do today? That question is really ever present in our lives; do we really believe in the power of God in our lives to do what He has said He will do?
God cares about you on every level and He wants to bring healing to you heart, your relationships especially the one with Him and your finances and He would love to give you the desires of your heart as you learn to follow Him. I am in awe of the most simple prayers I have prayed or have watched my children pray over the years that God has answered, don’t be afraid to ask Him for the most basic things that are important to you. Don’t miss out because you were afraid to ask.
I have no idea what it is you are facing today but God knows and He cares deeply. Pray and ask for His favor today and ask Him if there is something He wants you to learn from your situation. Ask Him to show you anything you can do or change to move forward and ask for Him to do mighty things today on your behalf. God is good, God is Always good and He wants to hear your heart and move on your behalf so don’t be afraid to ask. Spend time in your Bible and seek His face, it is the only place you will find the answers you need.
Quote: “What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.” Zig Ziglar