1 Kings 17:10, So he arose and went to Zarephath. And when he came to the gate fo the city, behold, a widow was there gathering sticks. And he called to her and said, “Bring me a little water in a vessel, that I may drink.”
There had been a famine in the land and Elijah had been told by God to go to Zarephath and God had a widow woman there that Elijah could stay with and God would provide them with food to live on during the famine. Now, the way God provided the food was miraculous and her oil and flour for bread never ran out even though when Elijah showed up she only had enough for one loaf. Even though she didn’t believe in God she did what Elijah said and they were provided for. One of the amazing things to me about this story though, outside of the obvious miracles that happened, was the fact that they had water. It hadn’t rained in years and the brook that Elijah had been staying at where God had just provided for him had dried up, but clearly, there was still water in the wells. If you keep reading this passage when Elijah got to Mt. Carmel he had the people bring enough water to cover the altar with the sacrifice on it and the trenches he had dug around it as well before he prayed for God to send fire from heaven. There was still water in the land.
My point is this, no matter where you are or how things may look, God can still provide. Continue to seek Him and pray and pour your heart out to God and trust for Him to provide where there seems to be no provisions. Trust Him with your future, that even if there is no “rain”, there will be “water” and He will provide all that you need. God knows what you need today and He knows what you will need down the road before you even know you do, but He wants to hear from you. He wants you to walk with Him. He doesn’t want you to just wait until that need is evident, He wants you to walk with Him today. He wants that open communication going all of the time. You cannot have a close relationship with anyone without communication. Talk with Him! Listen to Him! Seek Him with your whole heart. He loves you! What part of your walk have you let slide? Are you in church?
If you need some encouragement about the power of God read this entire story in the Bible and pay attention to how God provided and even brought that widow woman’s son back to life. Dig in and search out who God is. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever! The same God who did all of these miraculous things in the Bible is the same God you are praying to today. It is time for Christians to pursue knowing God again to the point of believing for the miraculous. We need to arm up because satan is trying to keep us from having the faith we need for the miraculous. It begins by working on your walk with Him and not allowing anything to stand in the way of that. It is the most important thing you can do in life. Keep reading and keep praying. Don’t give up! Pray for God to start showing up in a mighty way. Take Him at His Word and know that no matter what things may look like, no matter what lack there is, He is the God of miracles. He knows your name. Take it all to Him and trust Him and wait for Him to move!
Quote: “Faith believes in spite of the circumstances and acts in spite of the consequences.” ~ Adrian Rogers