Don’t Base Your Faith on What You See

by | Feb 21, 2025

Mark 6:6,  He was amazed at their lack of faith.

Oh no!  I would never want that said of me and yet I know there have been times throughout my life when I haven’t had the faith and trust I should have.  They missed out on so much because of it and we also miss out when we don’t trust Him and have the faith we should have!  It says that He couldn’t do any miracles there, only lay hands on a few of the sick people and heal them.

Too often we base our faith on what we see and think and that’s where we make the mistake.  What He can do is not based on what we may know or think, it is solely based on who He is!  He is God!  Creator of all, Holy, Just, Faithful, all-powerful, the God who sees, who knows and nothing is difficult for Him!  Nothing!  

Another mistake we make is thinking that if what He does is different than what we thought should be done or it isn’t done in our timing then He somehow missed it!  He always knows what is best and when He doesn’t do things the way we think they should be done or in our timing, we need to remind ourselves that His thoughts are not our thoughts and His ways are not ours ~ His thoughts and ways are beyond our comprehension and we can trust Him!  Stop and think for a moment about how a child thinks compared to a good parent.  They don’t understand why their parents may not allow them to eat sweets all day and stay up as late as they want, or maybe why they can’t listen to the same music, read the same books, or watch the same movies as their friends, but the parent is overseeing their best interest for who they will become, not just what they want in the moment.  God is Sovereign and He does that so much better for us than even the best of parents does for their children and we can trust Him with it all!  (This is one reason the whole name it and claim its concept is so far off). God loves to bless His children and He knows what will help and what will hinder and what the best timing is for both blessings as well as struggles that may come that He allows to make us stronger and more mature in our walk with Him!

God is faithful and He loves you more than words can say!  Don’t lose hope because you don’t understand what He is doing or it seems as though nothing is happening ~ trust Him!  Dig in and spend time alone with Him.  Pour your heart out in prayer and trust Him!  Have faith that He will do what needs to be done when it needs to be done according to His perfect plan!  He has your best interest in mind as well as those you love and even when we don’t understand we can trust Him!  Don’t look around ~ Keep your eyes fixed on Him!