Don’t Give Up ~ He’s Got You!

by | Dec 28, 2024

2 Corinthians 4:7-9, But we have this treasure in clay jars so that it will be evident that such overwhelming power comes from God and not from us.  We have all kinds of troubles, but we are not crushed; we are perplexed, yet not in despair; persecuted, yet not abandoned; knocked down, yet not destroyed. (TCJSB)

Have you felt as though maybe you have been crushed, perplexed, persecuted, and knocked down over the last year or so, maybe even longer, and at some point despair crossed your mind?  If you are pursuing God then you can count on the fact that satan is out to stop you and everything you feel called to do.  He is relentless and if he can’t take you out then he will try to wear you down and wear you out so you give up, just like he tried to do to Job.  I know I have had some days when I have wondered how it brings God glory when the people who are walking with Him are looking and feeling beat down and even defeated in their minds but then I thought about that time when He brought the people out of Egypt.  He didn’t just send Moses and Aaron in and immediately bring the people out because  He had a bigger plan and part of His plan was to punish Egypt.  When God moved even the Egyptian Magicians at one point told Pharaoh that what was happening they couldn’t duplicate and that it was obviously the “finger of God”!  That is how God gets the glory!  He moves in such a way that everyone knows that He is God and He did it!  

Don’t give up and don’t give in to those thoughts that say you “can’t…”.  We are called to persevere and that is what we need to set our hearts and minds to do.  Whatever satan is attacking in your life just keep praying, turn on praise and worship music, and read the promises of God as you walk through your house.  God has promised in Isaiah 40:31, “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.”  Put your armor on as it teaches in Ephesians 6 and remember that you are in a spiritual battle.  It is not the people in your life, this is a spiritual battle that is best one by remembering who it is that lives inside you if you have accepted Jesus as your Savior.  You may feel alone some days, but you can’t be because He dwells in you!  So, stop for just a moment and think about what areas satan is attacking you, is it your finances, your marriage, your self-esteem, or your children…. What all areas is he coming after?  While satan will attack any and every area he sees the opportunity to attack, the one he is first and foremost after is your area of support, your mind, and whatever your calling is, believe me.  If you are married that will be a prime target so remember that you are not fighting with “flesh and blood”, and start praying, and if you can pray together that will be even better!  God will only allow so much and He will step in if you will just persevere!  Don’t let satan talk you out of going to church and spending time alone with God.  You need both in order to overcome.  It’s easy to decide to watch it online but that is not the same as being with other believers.  We all need that support of fellowship!

So, here comes the New Year!  Will you join me in setting your heart and mind to rise up and finish strong?  Tell satan to take a hike ~ you are going to stand strong because Jesus who lives in you has already defeated him and He will give you the strength you need.  The more you praise God, the more faith and trust you will have.  God has not abandoned or forgotten you ~ trust His plan!  When the time is right God always does what only He can do!  Let’s honor Him in all we do and let’s commit to praising Him and standing strong so He can do that mighty work in and through us, in Jesus’ mighty and powerful name!


  1. barbara Corn

    Prayers for me i need a Christian mentor also lost my car last week ots totaled and the processes of getting a new one has been a much headache also prayers for me and my husband to persevere, prayers for my sister’s boyfriends 🙏 mother she passed away this morning .Thank you

    • Janet Scott

      I am so sorry Babara! I am praying for you all! ~ Janet