Don’t Give Up ~ Trust Him Through Good Times & Bad

by | Feb 23, 2025

2 Kings 6:33 – 7:2 “While he (Elisha) was still speaking, the messenger arrived with this message from the king:  “Here, this evil is from the Lord.  Why should I wait for the Lord any longer?” Elisha answered, “Listen to the word of the Lord.  Here is what the Lord says: ‘Tomorrow, by this time, six quarts of fine flour will sell for only a shekel, and a half a bushel of barley for a shekel (in the market) at the gate to Samaria.’”   The servant on whose arm the king was leaning answered the man of God:  “Why this couldn’t happen even if the Lord made windows in heaven!”  Elisha answered, “All right, you yourself will see it with your own eyes; but you won’t eat any of it!”

There was a terrible famine in the land and when the king heard the horrific things people were doing to survive he was overwhelmed and gave up on waiting on God.  He was not just giving up, but he was ready to kill Elisha out of his anger that God hadn’t rescued them yet.  

Don’t be discouraged if what you are waiting on has taken forever because just like in this case, your answer could be here soon.  God hasn’t forgotten you!  Things had just kept getting worse and worse and people were starving and there was no sign of relief in sight.  No one was speaking of coming to help them, the city was not only trying to survive the famine but they were also under siege.  People were paying for Dove poo to have something to eat!  It was bad and getting worse every day. Satan loves to just keep throwing one thing after the next at you trying to get you to give up on God so it is important to stay in His Word and seek Him.  Don’t lash out at others and don’t allow bitterness to take root.  Ask God to cleanse your heart and mind every day from all of that and ask Him to show you what you can learn from the situation.  Notice that the King was told by Elisha that the relief and answer would be there in the morning, the King believed the word of God spoken through Elisha and went home.  His servant on the other hand mocked and didn’t believe and was not able to enjoy the answer God was bringing to the people.  We must take God at His Word and we must walk with Him.    Too many people want to partake in the promises of God but they don’t follow Him.  They treat Him as though He were a fast food restaurant, they just pull up to the speakers and order what they want, and expect God to hand it all over.  A good parent doesn’t raise a child to think that they can behave any way they choose, living in their house but not obeying the rules and yet expecting Mom and Dad to “bless them” with everything they want and God isn’t going to raise His children that way either.  

It is sad to me to see so many Christians who are just going through the motions but don’t really have a relationship with God ~ Ohhhhh how much they miss. Like the king of Israel’s servant, they may see it but they will never fully experience what God has for them. The best blessings of God are not material things, it’s His presence, His peace, and His love… it is KNOWING with everything in you that He is there even when the storm is raging and when all Hell is coming against you.  Money can’t buy that.  God does bless His children by providing financially for us as well, but that doesn’t always happen when we think it should either.  He knows, He sees and He is working in every area of your life and if you are waiting then one of those areas is for you to learn to trust Him even if it seems like He is late.  He is never late.

My encouragement for you today is for you to ask Him to help you trust Him in good times and bad.  Don’t give up even if you have seemingly waited forever!  He knows your heartaches, your needs and He is working.  He loves you and He wants to grow you into all He created you to be.  Don’t hold anything back.  Pour your heart out and trust Him to do what He knows is best!